SCNC activists flee as gov’t steps up clampdown home and abroad

By Simon NdiveKalla As the Anglophone crisis, which has now spiraled into an armed struggle, worsens…

Govt dispels ‘rumours’ of blank school year

By Elah Geoffrey Mbong In two separate communiqués published on Friday, February 24, 2017, the Minister…

New Judicial Year opens but Judges stay silent on Ayah’s arrest, grounding of courts in NW & SW

BY DOH JAMES SONKEY IN YAOUNDE The New Judicial Year opened last February 22, 2017 during…

Youths Flee Bamunka Village After Raid

The Bamunka Community in the North West region has greatly suffered the effects of this aggressive…

Death Penalty Hands Over Limbe Journalist

BY ATIA AZOHNWI Eden Newspaper’s Limbe City Reporter, Quindia Eshu Thadius is currently in gendarmerie custody…

Foundation stone laid for ART’s new Head Office

By DOH JAMES SONKEY IN YAOUNDE A 16-storied edifice in the shape of a mobile phone…

Contractors warned at launch of 2017 Road Maintenance Programme

By DOH JAMES SONKEY IN YAOUNDE The 2017 National Road Maintenance Programme has kicked off on…

Anglophone lawyers’/teachers’ strike: Negotiations run into storm – Teachers walk-out of Bamenda meeting – Yaoundé negotiations plunged into chaos as North West lawyers fire Mbuton Bobga Harmony – Nation holds its breath

BY ATIA TILARIOUS AZOHNWI AND DOH JAMES SONKEY The nation now holds its breath as to…