Cameroon not safe for homosexuals, lesbians, gay rights activists

BY LUCY LIMA A frontline gay rights defender in Cameroon has disclosed that those practicing same-sex…

Anglophone Crisis: Ordeals of activists, business persons, others

By LUSY LIMA A long and arduous search for activists backing the Anglophone crisis is under…

Anglophone activists flee as gov’t steps up crackdown

By SANDRA LUM As the crisis that has been rocking the North West and South West…

Armed conflict in NW, SW: Many flee as gov’t steps up clampdown on suspected separatists, sympathisers

BY  LUSY LIMA As the crisis that has been rocking the North West and South West…

Gov’t launches manhunt for homosexuals

BY CELINE NGUM A man suspected to be a homosexual, has been arrested in Mbalmayo, Center…

Arm conflict in NW, SW: Families in distress over fate of SCNC, Human Rights crusaders

By kubu Evelyn Family members in the restive Regions of the North West and South West…

Arm conflict in NW, SW : Youths dying, fleeing as Anglophone crisis deepens

BY CELINE LUM The war in the two Anglophone regions of Cameroon referred to by activists…

Anglophone Crisis: More youths, businessmen go underground for allegedly siding with separatists

BY EVELYN KUBU More and more businessmen within the crisis-stricken Anglophone regions of Cameroon have resorted…

Anglophone crisis: Teachers, others bear brunt as armed conflict in NW, SW rages on

By Lucy Lima Teachers and other civilians of various walks of life such as nurses, business…

Anglophone crisis: Nowhere to run for young girls

By Clarkson Fongang Since the outbreak of the Anglophone crisis in late 2016 in the two…