The Fomunyoh Foundation orientates minds on peace advocacy through films

By Ndefru Melanie in Bamenda

The initiative of Bamenda-based Fomunyoh Foundation has began promoting peace through films. This activity saw the light of day on August 17, 2022 at Foundation radio, mile 6 Mankon, Bamenda.

Where the film was watched depicts a crisis hit environment, watched by journalists practicing in Bamenda and who live the effects of the ongoing armed conflict on a daily basis, calls to mind the need for a rethink.

The human rights foundation, Fomunyoh Foundation wasn’t just exposing the causes of violence but also emphasizing on the need for Peace.

“Peace through films is a non partisan and apolitical pilot project that intends to go through it the circle of conflict: peace, justice and reconciliation. Our intension and our hope is that we generate discussions about what we are going through, generate discussions on how we can come out of the situation. So that at the end of the day no matter our differences peace and reconciliation should reign”, Project Lead.

Christopher Fomunyoh, Senior Associate for Africa and Regional Director at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

Those in attendance were privileged to watch films like; 100 days, the night of truth, beyond rights and wrong to demonstrate the act of conflict to peace and Justice.

“One hundred days, depicts the devastating state of a conflict, the night of truth depicts the steps that one can take towards resolving a conflict ensuring peace, then beyond rights and wrong focuses on justice , forgiveness and peace after the conflict.” Mokoun Njouny Nelson, project lead.

George Etoh, a journalist practicing in Bamenda and victim of the ongoing armed conflict, believes that the change can begin by the journalists themselves who through their report can begin a shift in reporting by reviewing the past to fix the future.

“This gives us the opportunity to reconcile ourselves with the past and chat the way for the future, it gives us moments to think again and as journalists our write ups should be peace based and educative. So that the common man can learn and know the dangers of their acts”, George Etoh, The Horizon Newspaper.

“The media is a great tool for social change, it’s a plus to see journalists present because am sure that different platforms will carry different messages. We pray the man on the streets get these messages which will inturn transform to collective efforts in ending this conflict”, Bih Sylvia, Civil society, freelancer.

A shift in narrative is expected from news reports, given that the film was watched by a majority of journalists practicing in the Northwest region. Journalists live the effects on the armed conflict on a daily basis and is expected to tell  stories that will impact positive change.

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