Uneasy calm returns to Meme after weeks of voilence

Meme Division is currently passing through confusion and denizens find it very difficult to sleep with their eyes closed. In Mbonge just like in Konye and Kumba Urban constituency, the story is the same. Reports hold that in Konye the chief town of Konye sub Division, the population have virtually deserted the area while others are not having it easy in the bushes where they are currently hiding for fear of the unknown.
The atmosphere in the area is characterized by frequent exchange of gun shots between gunmen believed to be separatist fighters and the forces of law and order which resultant consequences are usually disastrous with houses set ablaze, civilian deaths and many wounded.
The situation in Mbonge Sub Division is even more complicated. The inhabitants in villages like Kwa Kwa, Kombone Bakundu, Bole Bakundu, Ngongo Bakundu ,Big Nganjo, and Kombone Mission are living in total fear considering that reports suggests that these villages harbor separatists fighters.
Since the mayhem that rocked these villages few weeks back, with serious clashes between the Cameroon Defense forces and “Amba soldiers” resulting in serious causalities recorded from both ends and leaving many homeless, these areas have remained restive and the military has been on constant patrol in the area while coming under sporadic attacks from the assailants.
Many villagers have sought refuge in neighbouring villages and nearby bushes and dense forest most especially the South Bakundu Forest.
On Thursday Feburary,1, 2018 about 8 soldiers were rushed to the emergency ward of the Kumba District hospital after they were surprised by assailants at Kake II, a village situated about 4 kilometers from Kumba along the Kumba- Ekondo Titi high ways.
Still in Kake II THE SUN gathered that two unidentified individual were sent to their early graves through gun shot at the lone checkpoint between Kake II in Kumba I Sub Division and Small Ekombe Village in Mbonge Sub Division by forces of law and order for allegedly being in possession of contraband drugs and for non possession of a National Identity Card on Monday February 5, 2018 supposedly in retaliation to the attack on their colleagues on February 1, 2018 by the ‘Amba’ forces.
This disturbing is reported to have angered the population who later on set the makeshift checkpoint on fire. In reaction to this act the forces of law and order descended to the area thus forcing the population to take refuge in the bushes. Thanks to the authorities of the Kumba I Council, the two bodies are now at the Kumba District Mortuary pending their identification and subsequent burial.
The was equally exchange of gun shooting around Dyeni village in Mbonge Sub Division between Cameroon Defence forces and Amba forces with several causalities recorded from both ends.
Two shot dead
Two teenagers were shot dead by forces of law and order around the Buea road and Eta-College Street in Kumba. Denizens around this area told THE SUN that there was serious gunfire exchange as from 3:30 am on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, especially around the Kumba Buea road Gendarmiere Brigade.
It is however not clear whether the exchange was between the military and separatist fighters or armed bandits. While one lifeless body was found in a pool of blood around the Presbyterian Church Kumba, the other was found around Eta College Kumba.
The corpse around the church was dressed in a black T-shirt, with Ambazonia insignia and with charms around his waist. Many drew the conclusion that he must have been one of the separatist fighters gunned down by the military.
The other corpse around the college was dressed in plainclothes and is it is hard to tell if he was also a separatist fighter of just a civilian caught in the crossfire.
SDO regulates drinking spots business
In the wake of these disturbing happenings, the Meme Senior Divisional Officer, SDO, Ntou’ou Ndong Chamberlin issued a prefectoral order regulating the operation of drinking spots in the Division.
According to the prefectoral Order N0 G39/RA/005 of the 08 February 2018, the SDO notes that considering the persistent threats against Social peace and National security, all drinking establishment should be closed as from 9pm till further notice within the Kumba municipality.
However, some bars, snack-bars, and night clubs owners are of the opinion that the prefectoral order is a blanket sanction on their businesses considering that some of them acquired different licenses to operate their business.
A bar owner in Kumba Town told The SUN that his operating permit is that of on license, thus the order will play a negative impact on his business taking into consideration that he has to pay taxes and pay employees.
Conmen make gains
The current confusion put in place by the amba forces and Cameroon Defense forces spiced with the sporadic exchange of gunfire in Meme Division has given a safe ground for conmen to resurface with their shady deals. THE SUN gathered that one renowned Traditional Rulers in Kumba III Sub Division is currently paymaster to theses unidentified conmen. Reports indicate that the Chief received a call from a strange number and the caller instructed him to send him money else Amba boys will visit him. For fear of the unknown the Chief immediately cash in FCFA 250.000 to them and he has since then been doing so. Another Kumba-based businessman has equally suffered the same fate.

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