Widows in Limbe say Anglophone crisis is causing increase widowhood


Widows in Limbe have condemned the current crisis in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon, saying it is causing increase in widows. They were speaking on Saturday June 23, 2018, at the Women Empowerment and Family Center Mile I, during the eighth edition of the international widows’ day.
Speaking during the event, the president Akenji Marie said the theme of this year is ‘How to improve the situation of widows’. She added that the theme focuses on improving the situation to sustain widows, and added that they equally focus on orphans, single mothers among others.

Social Widows Association SOWA pose with Divisional Delegate of women   empowerment and the family
Social Widows Association SOWA pose with Divisional Delegate of women empowerment and the family

She pleaded with the government to seek a lasting solution to solve the ongoing crisis in North West and South West regions. She added that since two years the crisis started it has lead to increase in widows.
“We are praying to God and begging the government that the government should try and see into it that they stamp out this crisis because we don’t want unexpected widows to join us” Akenji Marie said. She added that the administration should see that they bring peace in North West and South West Regions.
While thanking all those who supported them for the day, Akenji Marie used the opportunity to announce the 10th anniversary of their Social Widows Association SOWA Limbe, which she said will be celebrated in October 2018.
Akenji Marie called on other widows who do not know that there is an Association, to join them so they can forge ahead as widows.
On her part, the sub-divisional delegate of women empowerment and the family Mme Diffang Judith Mesame said the government is doing a lot to sustain the widows, and added that the Ministry of women empowerment has a scheme for the needy which targets widows, and that they also have been removing loan schemes at the women empowerment center.
Mme Diffang Judith cited some partners like Limbe I Council where female Councillors gave them a loan interest free, and the Limbe City Council, which she said is always there for the widows.
She said her message to the widows is courage and called on other widows to join SOWA. “Their rights are violated because they don’t know how to go about it, they have rights and their rights are protected by the government. The ministry of women empowerment and the family is there to assist them in case of any difficulty” Mme Diffang Judith said.

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