YouthFORCE organizes briefing to address sexual violence and unsafe abortions

By Sera Fomiyam

On August 29, 2024, YouthFORCE, an organization dedicated to protecting and empowering young people, held a critical briefing session at the Northwest Regional Assembly. The session focused on addressing the alarming rates of sexual violence and unsafe abortions among adolescent girls in the Northwest, West, and Southwest regions of Cameroon. The event also spotlighted GirlFORCE, a movement founded by YouthFORCE to combat these issues in the most affected communities.

During the session, YouthFORCE founder Theresa Morfaw emphasized the lack of comprehensive data on sexual violence, particularly among adolescent girls. She noted that adolescents represent a vulnerable group requiring focused attention, but current data on sexual violence in this demographic remains insufficient. She further highlighted the neglect of other at-risk groups, such as girls with disabilities and sex workers, who are often left out of mainstream discussions on sexual violence.

YouthFore hold press briefing at Bamenda II Council Hall

“We’ve identified this lack of data as a major gap, and YouthFORCE is committed to addressing it. We want to ensure that all girls, including those with disabilities and those working in vulnerable sectors, have their experiences documented and their voices heard,” said Morfaw.

The briefing session brought together a range of stakeholders, including divisional delegates, council representatives, women’s rights advocates, and religious leaders. The findings from a recent survey conducted by GirlFORCE were presented, shedding light on the prevalence of sexual violence and unsafe abortions among young girls. The aim of the session was not only to raise awareness but also to inspire action and collaboration among decision-makers to combat these issues.

YouthFORCE aims to encourage survivors of sexual violence, particularly those in rural areas, to come forward and seek help. Fear of stigma and discrimination often prevents many victims from speaking up, leaving their cases unaddressed. In response, YouthFORCE has partnered with lawyers, magistrates, and law enforcement officers to provide legal and emotional support to survivors.

Dr. Mumafor Angwafo, one of the speakers at the event, praised the survey’s thoroughness and stressed the importance of collaboration among stakeholders to tackle sexual violence. “There was a need for us, as stakeholders, to come together, harness our efforts, and provide the necessary support to victims of sexual violence,” Dr. Angwafo stated.

Tata Afahnyui, a member of GirlFORCE, also called for the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education across all levels of the educational system. “Most youths lack adequate knowledge about sexual violence. It’s crucial that decision-makers enforce age-appropriate sexuality education to empower young people with the information they need,” she recommended.

YouthFORCE continues to stand as a source of hope for survivors of sexual violence, particularly in the conflict-affected regions of Cameroon. Through its advocacy and support networks, the organization is dedicated to fighting sexual violence and reducing the number of unsafe abortions, ensuring a safer future for young girls in these vulnerable communities.

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