Youths Flee Bamunka Village After Raid

The Bamunka Community in the North West region has greatly suffered the effects of this aggressive oppression.

After a tour to the field, our reporters can confirm beyond reasonable doubt that there has been a general regression by the government, Local authorities and local auxiliaries on the civilian uprising based on marginalization.

This has lead to the escape of many youths to unknown destinations for fear of the unknown or to serve huge jail sentences under the anti terrorism law.

Reports from Bamunka confirm key elements of what has been said so far regarding the events in Bamunka, Ndop.

It is said that local Ndop youths went and burnt down a classroom in a Franco phone school where some students had been struggling to defy the strike and attend classes.

In response the Bamunka Fon went around the community pointing out those he considered guilty to be arrested by the gendarmes

It is widely believed that he took the opportunity to punish families with whom he had pre existing disputes by falsely pointing out their children as guilty.

Another twist is the destruction of cyber cafes that are believed to be promoting the uprising by the printing and distribution of tracts.

Many cyber operators are in detention, others molested, some are declared missing after a recent raid, they are implicated in the printing of flyers and strike materials.

A case in point is that of a cyber owned by a certain Fonyuy Etienne and Managed by Yuven Frankline which was destroyed by security officers and leaving the team to disappear in to thin air.

Others who are also reported to have fled included Zama Cletus, Sama Samuel Sama and Gemouh Dobgima.

Security officials claim cyber café operators help to proliferate the burning down of the French school in Bamunka.


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