Joint commissions to implement latest judicial reforms begin work

Activities have been launched for two Joint Commissions comprising of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms and National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM to prepare the curricula of legal courses for Judicial Careers and to prepare the course content for training programmes for students of ENAM and a Working Group in charge of conducting capacity building sessions for Anglophone Judicial Staff created last April 19, 2017 by Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso.

Minister of State for Justice, Laurent Esso
Minister of State for Justice, Laurent Esso

Placed under the chairmanship of Minister of State for Justice, Laurent Esso, activities of the two joint commissions which have as vice Chairs, the Minister of Higher Education, Jacques Fame Ndongo and the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, Michel Ange Angouing and that of the Working Group that has as Vice Chair, Minister Jacques Fame Ndongo were launched last May 2, 2017 in the conference room of the Ministry of Justice in Yaoundé.
Speaking at the occasion, Minister of State, Laurent Esso explained that the creation of these joint commissions and working group as well as the creation of Common Law Sections at ENAM and the Supreme Court announced last March 30, 2017 on instructions of the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, constitute a battery of measures put in place to give short, medium and long term solutions to preoccupations raised by some Anglophone lawyers in the country.
He explained that the Working group that comprises of representatives from the Audit Bench of the Supreme Court, Ministries of Justice and Higher Education, has as mission to build the capacity of Anglophone judicial staff on administrative law and auditing in order to enable them work in such related areas.
Talking on the joint commission to propose programmes for the new Common Law Section at ENAM, the Minister of State clarified that “I want to precise here that this move does not imply that ENAM training programmes have been restructured but it is simply to complete teachings in English for Common Law students as the Section is opened to anybody who wants to study in English.” He concluded by reminding members of the various joint commissions and the working group that there is no time to waste.

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