VCCCUL posts positive outlook, targets youths


Victoria Customs Co-operative Credit Union, VCCCUL held it 48th Annual General Meeting, AGM in with satisfactory note. The AGM took place on Saturday March 18, 2023 at Council Hall Down Beach.

Speaking at the end of the meeting Melo Henry the President explained that good practice in terms of loan to members, marketable collateral security in following up of payment of loans and expanding to other catchment areas as some of the recommendations of the AGM.

On his part, the President of the Youth Committee Adolf Tabot-Aza Tambe said they were able to extend our tentacles out of the Limbe municipality, with prospection to Buea during the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope on February 19, 2022.

“This yielded fruits as some people approved of our financial policies and with the long-standing success of VCCCUL without any financial scandal, expressed their wish to extend our services to Buea. After proper research, it came to our notice that most youths do not see any reason to open a bank account”,

“For that reason, a seminar was organized for this purpose on the 28th and 29th of July, 2022 with the theme “VCCCUL Youth empowerment for sustainable development”. This was a step to the right direction as many have responded positively by opening accounts.” Adolf Tabot said.

Cross section of Executive members of VCCUL during the AGM

He added that the participants appeal that such seminars should always be organized with the same experienced and eligible facilitators.

On her part, the Women Committee President, Tambe Lydia said during the period, they carried out quarterly meetings and visited some groups in our communities. They also did door to door visits to members and would be members telling them about the need to join our Union.

They also visited branch offices. It was an enriching exercise they encouraged members with dormant delinquent accounts to reactivate their accounts and would be members to join the Union and enjoy the largesse.

“We would like to appreciate all those who supported us in one way or another in making this dream come true. Some of us are coming to the end of our mandate. It was a sweet exercise”,

“We pray that the zeal we had should continue with the new members to be elected. Recommendation We pray that the women of VCCCUL should not stay behind and that they should stand up and speak out their worries as the future of the society is in their hands” Tambe Lydia said.

Supervisory report indicates that there have been increases in membership of 638. It also indicates that 2022 has been a very trying year for VCCCUL. The Bota branch witnessed one burglary attempt in which huge material damages was imminent.

This caused huge sums of money for maintenance and repairs. Fraudulent loans in Yaounde: Investigations started in 2021 and decisions were taken in 2022 to dismiss the former General Manager and Assistant General Manager.

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