Moscow’s new foreign policy to confront US, Western hegemony

By Ntoh Michael Makia

Russia is making bold to facilitate the adaptation of the new world order to the realities of a multipolar world by prioritizing the elimination of the vestiges of the dominance of the United States and other unfriendly states in world affairs and the creation of conditions for the abandonment of any state from neo-colonial and hegemonic ambitions.

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, laid out the plan at a press conference in Moscow on March 31. The groundbreaking statement came after a meeting with President Vladimir Putin and permanent members of the Russian Security Council.

Russia means to help reduce the ability of unfriendly states to abuse their monopoly or dominant position in certain areas of the world economy.

“In order to facilitate the adaptation of the world order to the realities of a multipolar world, Russia intends to prioritize the elimination of vestiges of dominance by the United States and other unfriendly states in world affairs, creating conditions for the abandonment of any state from neo-colonial and hegemonic ambitions,” Russia’s new foreign policy statement reads.

Calling it “a strategic planning document”, Lavrov said it develops the foreign policy provisions of the National Security Strategy approved in 2021.

“The concept contains a high degree of continuity with the previous version of 2016 in terms of the fundamental principles of our foreign policy, primarily its independence and focus on creating favorable external conditions for the progressive development of Russia, ensuring its security and improving the well-being of our citizens,” Lavrov pointed out.

The document, he continued, “states an unprecedented level of international tension over the past decade… [and] recognizes the existential nature of threats to the security and development of our country, created by the actions of unfriendly states.”

He proceeded: “We set out in the Concept, our vision of the principles of a more balanced and fair world order. Among them are polycentricity, sovereign equality of states, ensuring their right to choose development models, upholding the cultural and civilizational diversity of the world. Promoting the establishment of a multipolar world order is defined as a framework task for all areas of foreign politics,” the long-serving Foreign Minister and International face of Russia said.

The very Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation states that Russia is an original country-civilization, a stronghold of the Russian world, one of the sovereign centers of world development, playing a unique role in maintaining the global balance of power and ensuring the peaceful, progressive development of mankind.

Russia will build its relations with other states depending on their policy towards our country, constructive, neutral or unfriendly. “Russia does not consider itself an enemy of the West, it does not isolate itself from it, it does not have hostile intentions towards it, it counts on its awareness of the futility of confrontation with Russia, the acceptance of multipolar realities, and a return over time to interaction based on the principles of equality and respect for interests,” states the document.

As noted, Moscow is striving to form a system of international relations that would ensure reliable security, the preservation of cultural and civilizational identity, and equal development opportunities for all states.

Russia intends to actively develop cooperation in all spheres with its allies and partners, to stop attempts by unfriendly countries to hinder such cooperation. At the same time, there is a readiness to use the armed forces to repel and prevent an armed attack on us or our allies.

“In response to the unfriendly actions of the West, Russia intends to defend its right to existence and free development by all available means,” the document reads.

The flagship project of Russia in the 21st century is called “the transformation of Eurasia into a single all-continental space of peace, stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity.” As noted, Russia is ready to build relations with countries from all regions of the world, increase cooperation with Latin America, and contribute to the further development of Africa as a distinctive and influential center of world development. Of particular importance for Russia is a comprehensive deepening of ties and coordination with friendly sovereign global centers of power, especially China and India.

The hope is also expressed that European countries will be able to abandon their anti-Russian policy and show greater independence […] from the United States. Russia is giving them the assurance that this would affect their safety and well-being. But Russia considers the course adopted by the United States as “the main source of anti-Russian policy and risks for its security, international peace, and the balanced and just development of mankind.”

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The SUN’s editorial stance.

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