More Anglophone activists hunted as crisis deepens

By Talla Aghaa Christopher
As the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West regions deepens, the government has multiplied efforts to apprehend those considered to be fanning the flames of the crisis in order for the activists to face trial at the military court like Mancho Bibixy Penn Terence and others.
According to police sources, another activist, Paul Nillong   is under police searchlights for being one of those inciting violence in the two Anglophone regions through his activism.
Reports hold that the Paul Nillong, Diocesan Coordinator of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Kumba Diocese has been a very strong advocate for the restoration of the statehood of the former Southern Cameroon.
He is believed to have been in constant communication with Tassang Wilfred, one of the front liners and member of the banned Consortium who went on self exile to Nigeria and was later arrested and extradited alongside other members of the self proclaimed government of the Southern Cameroons also known as Ambazonia.
In January 2017 Paul Nillong was detained and questioned for several hours by the Police in Kumba before escaping to Nigeria.
By  December 2017, Paul Nillong who had apparently sneaked back into the country, announced the creation of the National Council of  the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, which earned him another arrest. He would be later released on bail but has since then skipped appearances in court.
The family claims they don’t know his whereabouts and have been facing persistent intimidation from the police to produce him. They claim their family house has been raided at least three times by security officers in search of Nillong.

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