For over four years now the arm conflict in the North West and South West Regions have been raging on as separatist fighters and secessionist are still demanding for the restoration or total Independence of the former British Southern Cameroon and for a new country to be known as Federal Republic of Ambazonia.
As the war rages on unabatted, the government of Cameroon has made multiple efforts to fish out the perpetrators of the arm conflict both at home and abroad.
Parents and family members of suspected activists and frontline members of those abroad clamouring for the creation of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia back home are constantly been brutalised, molested , tortured and detained under inhumane condition, in order for them to cause the extradition of their relatives abroad.
Reports hold that many suspected activists abroad who have visited Cameroon since the Anglophone crisis metamorphosed into an arm conflict with separatist fighters and government forces involved in frequent sporadic cross fire at the detriment of innocent civilians, have been arrested and prosecuted at the military court on frame terrorism related offences.
Rights organisations have documented many evidence indicating that Cameroon is no longer a safe heaven in the Centre Africa Sub Region as was the case 8 years ago.
Amongst the many activists abroad whose relatives at home are finding it difficult to escape constant military harassment, brutality and detention is Nymbuh Neba Ericshu’s uncle Bana Nji.
Reports say because of the role played by Nymbuh Neba abroad in line with the Anglophone crisis, his uncle Bana Nji is reported to have escaped to the bush for safety. The military say he is one of the middlemen between Ericshu and the Separatist fighters.
It should be recalled that with the outbreak of the crisis, Nymbuh Neba Ericshu, joined others in the diaspora in September 2017 to clamour for the total Independence of the people of former British Southern Cameroon. His name alongside others went into records when a delegation of some Cameroon cabinet Minister’s led by Minister of Justice Laurent Esso visited Europe to dialogue with Southern Cameroon/ Ambazonia community and were disgraced by the disgruntled Ambazonia community. Thi incident placed him and many others under security searchlight within the national territory.
Another Cameroonian who is facing tough times with the military is Kumba based Businessman, Simo Kameni Vincent. He has constantly been accused by security operatives for sympathising with Anglophone Separatists.

He was arrested by the military after been accused of using his nephew Touko Steve Loic who is abroad, for providing finance and logistics to the English speaking diaspora fueling the armed conflict in Cameroon.
Ever since the arrest of Touko Steve’s uncle, Simo Kameni following the October 2020 attacked on a school in Kumba where several students were killed and others servely inqured, nothing has been heard about him and his whereabout remains cloudy.
Family sources have hinted that Touko is a target in the hands of the military since he regularly visits his uncle Simo, on vacation. His attorney hinted that Touko is currently under military search light and will be persecuted and prosecuted if arrested within the national territory.
what is now known as the Anglophone crisis that started with the demands from Common Law Lawyers and Anglophone Teachers urging the government for shun the marginalisation of Anglophone Cameroon by La Republique du Cameroun for a better Cameroon have taken a different twist. For about five years now, the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon have remained restive.
The crisis has metamophorsed into an arm conflict, with the emergency of Separatist fighters commonly known as ” Amba Boys” who have taken up arms against the state in demand for the complete independence of former British Southern Cameroon.
This move by the separatist fighters, met serious reprisals from government forces, and the death toll has been on the increase, with Businessmen, medicial professionals, politicians, students and a cross section of individuals in different works of life bearing the greatest brunt.

Houses and villages have been burnt. suspected individuals, linked to separatist fighters and activists of the anglophone course have been arrested, molested, tortured by government forces, and some detained in very horrible inhumane detention conditions. Others have gone underground to unknown destination and are currently placed under security searchlight. Government has openly declared them wanted, and will be persecuted and prosecuted any time they are arrested.
It should be noted that Human Rights groups have in one voice condemned the extrajudicial killings by mostly on innocent civilians, including pregnant women and burning of houses and villages. Reports indicate that the about 4000 civilians’ lives have been claimed by the arm conflict and about 750000 person displaced, with many living in horrible conditions in neighbouring Nigeria.
International organisations and Western powers have called on the government to address the root cause of the crisis through dialogue. French President Emmanuel Macron have recently promised to exert ” maximum pressure” on the President Paul Biya of Cameroon , to end Cameroon’s intolerable Human Rights Violations. Many how ever hold that Cameroon is unsafe for anglophone activists home and abroad.
Cameroon that used to be a peaceful country in turbulence CEMAC zone is now engulfed by war in the North West and South West Regions and the hope for peace to return is only when they will be a meaningful, genuine and inclusive dialogue.