CAMASEJ Yaounde enters new era with Ajumane Francis

By Doh James Sonkey

The Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists, CAMASEJ Yaounde branch has entered a new era with Ajumane Francis. He stood unopposed last January 25, 2025 securing all 19 votes cast at the National CAMASEJ Secretariat in Yaounde. The election was supervised by the CAMASEJ National Public Relations Officer, Wanchia Cynthia and the National Treasurer, Nanji Pelagie.

Expressing his gratitude after election, the newly elected President, Ajumane Francis said, “I thank members of CAMASEJ Yaounde for giving me this opportunity to lead the association. It is a huge task to lead such a prestigious Chapter and I feel we are up to the task. The idea is first of all to get back to basics by bringing every member on board. Our success relies on members adhering to and being committed to our vision.”

He promised that, “We will place our focus on enhancing the professional aptitude of our members through regular trainings and other professional activities. 2025 is a decisive year for our country and CAMASEJ Yaounde hopes to play an active role by ensuring its members are responsible in carrying out their duties. We will also look to reinforce the social component of our Chapter which we think is an important tool in strengthening our bond. We cannot do all we have envisaged without the support of the members. We count on their commitment and we believe together we will take CAMASEJ Yaounde to greater heights.”

Ajumane Francis Akam takes over from Ndi Eugene Ndi who had earlier indicated he will no longer stand as President.

The other elected New Exco of CAMASEJ Yaounde are as follows: Vice President – Irene Manti, Secretary General – Bizel-Bi Mafor, Assistant SG – Albert Njebusi, Financial Secretary – Fawong Nancy, Assistant Financial Secretary – Etienne Mainimo, Treasurer -Brenda Yufeh, Public Relations Officer – Louvier Kindo, Organizing Secretary – Beng Emmanuel, Auditor – Hycenth Chia.


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