The National Anti Corruption Commission better known by its French acronym as CONAC has sent ministers and other administrators of public service and funds panicking, with the introduction of an innovative aspect in the yearly publication of Anti-Corruption Status Report known as Corruption Perception Index of Cameroon.
Presenting the innovation last December 28, 2018 at the Yaounde Conference Centre during the official publication of Cameroon’s 2017 Anti-Corruption Status Report, the Chairperson of CONAC, Rev. Dr. Dieudonné Massi Gams explained that “it is to enable better judgment of possible changes cause by anti-corruption actions of Cameroonians since the inception of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy between 2011 and 2015.”

After interviewing 6145 people and subjecting them to questionnaires segmented into 5 criteria, 60 sub-criteria and 5 subsidiary questions, the survey revealed that the Ministry of Public Contracts headed at the time by Abba Sadou is topping corruption chart in Cameroon with a score of 7.77 on 10, followed at the 2nd position by the central services of the Ministry of Finance and at the 3rd position by courts under the Ministry of Justice. The National Gendarmerie emerged 4th while the Ministry of Transport was classified at the 5th position.
The Corruption Perception Index indicates that the Prime Minister’s Office is corruption free with 0.00 on 10 followed closely by the National Anti-Corruption Commission with a mark of 0.50 on 10.
He used the occasion to castigate many who still hide under mediocrity, greed and fear to seek favours, privileges and amass wealth.
The CONAC boss decried that out of more than thirty public enterprises in Cameroon, only five forwarded their activity reports to CONAC in 2017; the National Refining Company, SONARA, Electricity Development Corporation, EDC, Rural Electricity Agency, REA, Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV and Autonomous Sinking Fund, CAA.
Revealing that a total of 3982 reports on acts of corruption were sent to CONAC in 2017 by people from the ten regions and abroad indicating that majority of citizens are committed to the crusade, Rev. Massi Gams rejoiced that “just five investigations carried out by CONAC enabled the State to recover the sum of FCFA 52 billion 191 million 459 thousand 127 francs.”
Stepping up prevention mechanisms against corruption, Rev Dieudonne Massi Gams explained that CONAC facilitated the setting up of 104 Integrity Clubs in universities, schools and training institutions.
Approached by reporters, the then Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Public Contracts, Abba Sadou questioned the credibility of such a survey as he said he would like to know the criteria used to come out with such results.