Fire ravages GHS Bonadikombo administrative block

Tuesday May 16, 2017 was a doomed day for the teaching and administrative staff of GHS Bonadikombo, as well as the entire population of Bonadikombo, Mile 4, Limbe as fire brought down part of the administrative building of the school. According to reports gathered at the scene, the fire started at about 2am that Tuesday, the structure was set ablaze by unidentified persons as recounted by 4 security men who were on duty that night.

GHS Bonadikombo principal counts loses after fire attack
GHS Bonadikombo principal counts loses after fire attack

Despite the quick intervention of some elements of law and order, CDC security personel and some locals, the damage was enormous; 4 offices, the college library and the staff room were brought down by the fire. The fire is said to have been dropped into the building via the window by people, the principal, Mme Matute Dorothy Enanga described as vandals. The offices concerned were; the vice principals 1&2 offices, the bursary and the disciplinary office. The principal’s office was spared only through the intervention of the population.
Mme Matute Dorothy Enanga told The Sun that at the time of the incident, the security men spotted someone running into the bush but they could not put hands on him since they were distracted by the burning building. She further said elements of the Rapid Intervention Unit of the police, ESSIR, the Gendarmerie and fire extinguishers from the CDC buttressed by the population of Bonadikombo who gave a helping hand helped quench the fire early enough.
Assessing the material damage, the principal said over 2500 books have been lost, GCE registration material, two computers and one printer, files of the students from form 1 to upper sixth for the last 10years, roof and other furniture destroyed and a flat-screen television for staff. In the bursar’s office, files of students from 2014 to 2017 and documents containing financial records were burnt but no cash was in the office as the bursar ascertained. “The damage is enormous; the library is the live-wire of the school, it is like the school’s encyclopedia, GCE materials that were backed-up have been lost” the principal said. The principal equally told The Sun that a more accurate assessment of the damage will be done by the store’s accountant of the collage who was absent at press time.
Asked if the college has ever received any threat massage from any source, Mme Matute said she has never received any such massages to the best of her knowledge but noted that they have attempted unsuccessfully to burn the school twice before.
Some teachers The Sun spoke to, who pleaded anonymity, said they have often been scorned by locals of Bonadikombo area for holding classes when other schools were shutdown. They said they were on several occasions described as ‘sellouts’ of the Anglophone struggle. On their part, they said they were helpless because they had firm instructions from their ministry to always report to school even if there were no students to teach.
Meanwhile, it is believed by many inhabitants of the Bonakombo community that this act was perpetrated by some secessionists whose messages are usually sent through social media and direct threats through phone calls. At this point, it is not certain if the GCE exams shall run without hitches but sources say the GCE Board has earmarked some centers where all exams shall be written for security reasons.

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