“Golden Pillars!! You are the roots of the next Cameroon. We took the time to fellowship and celebrate with you because we believe u deserve to share in this joy of me, turning plus 1. You are the ambassadors of this country and we thought it wise to share with you the little we have”. Basang Victory, deputy regional for Communication NW celebrates her birthday with men who dropped arms against the state, while hammering on the issue of name-calling.
According to her, the name “‘Ex-combatants’ carries some negativity when referring to these group of young men”. She suggested the name ‘Golden Pillars’ to signify hope, shifting away from the normal narrative of calling them “Ex-combatants”.
“While here, don’t think you are at the end of the road, and know that this is just the beginning for you. Let’s live like a family. I have been here several times and I have seen for myself how you all at the centre live together. Let’s keep on with that spirit” Basang Victory. She insisted that they should in their own way counteract fake information infiltrating the social media space.

“Believe in yourself, dream big, path your way and scale up, work hard towards that direction. Have a purpose for your life and have love for your country Cameroon” she continued.
Her gifts were appreciated by those at the centre since it was a rare occasion for a visitor will extend a birthday party to the DDR centre. A representative of those at the DDR centre NW, offered words of gratitude to the celebrant, promising to do their part to encourage more good deeds in favor of those at the centre.
“We thank Madam Victory for the love she has shown to us, involving us as she celebrates her birthday. We on our part should continue respecting our coordinator at the centre because only through him will we get good things and people will continue to remember us. We are hoping to play on our own part, advice some of our brothers who are in the bush to leave and join us at the DDR centre” Kum Henry, Coordinator for DDR NW expressed his joy for the move Basang Victory made by sharing her birthday cake with the boys at the DDR centre.
“The mood at the centre reflects the state of mind of the boys, not leaving out the girls whom we remember in a special way and that the women here will be involved in the upcoming 8th March Celebrations” Kum Henry.