Kumba City Mayor counts achievement at administrative, management accounts session


The City Mayor to the Kumba City Council, Gregory Ntemoyok Mewanu has outlined a myriad of achievement recorded by the council under his stewardship during the 2021 financial year.

The City Mayor, who received a thunderous applause from the City Council board members enumerated the achievements during the 2021 administrative, management and stores account that took place at the council auditorium on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

The session took place under the watchful eyes of the Supervisory Authority,the SDO for Meme, Ntou’ ouNdong Chamberlin.

According to the City Mayor of Kumba, in 2021 they empowered about 100 youths within the municipality by offering them the opportunity to kick start the first phase of the HIMO project thanks to funding from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, MINEPAT,the Kumba Amusement Park which served as a Family Paradise for city dwellers to spend their Christmas and New year in total ambiance equally was refurbished and given a new facelift.

The Kumba City Mayor hinted that there was a great improvement in road network maintenance with the most remarkable one being that of the on-going construction of the road from the Mosque passing through Parliament in Fiango Kumba II Subdivision, Meme division South-West Region.

He continued that, the council was able to make payment to the National Social Insurance Fund, to the tune of FCFA 8.125.901, payment of workers’ salaries to the tune of FCFA 210.288.428, common operating allotment to sub- divisional councils, FCFA 26.250.000, settlement of council’s debt to the tune of FCFA 12.217.107. He remarked that, the building permit collection frog- jumped from FCFA 48.669.050 to FCFA 75,732,515.

Gregory Ntemoyok Mewanu ,City Mayor to the Kumba City Council,

City Mayor Gregory Ntemoyok Mewanu opined that, the successes recorded during the year under review, is thanks to their collective efforts since “Many hands make the work easier, coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success”.

The City Mayor disclosed that in the days ahead the Council will put pen on paper with FEICOM for a loan that will enable the council to realise some mega projects such as the construction of  market stores , construction of modern council chambers,the construction of the Mambanda Motor park, the extension of water and electricity within the municipality.

The City Mayor used the council session to congratulate the councillors for their frankness and collaborating spirit, and made a fervent plea that  they should persistently respect and follow the prevent measures against COVID-19 and Cholera for as he puts it health is wealth.

 The Accossunts

According to statistics presented by the City Mayor of Kumba, of the FCFA 5,909,000,000 budgeted in 2021, within the course of the year FCFA 1,102,229,671 was effectively collected while FCFA 747,778,473, was spent with an excess revenue over expenditure of FCFA 354,451,198.  The City Mayor observed that that with the revenue of FCFA 1,102,229,671, for an estimated budget of FCFA 5,909,000,000 witnessed a realisation rate of 18.65%, recurrent revenue was recovered to the tune of FCFA 821,461,029 for recurrent budgetary estimate of FCFA 1,183,465,194 showing a 69.41% realisation rate. For investment revenue, the Mayor disclosed that FCFA 208,768,642 was recovered for an investment budgetary estimate of FCFA 4,725,534,806 giving a realisation rate of 5.94%.

The City Mayor Gregory Ntemoyok Mewanu, noted that, the council in 2021 incurred FCFA 747,778,437, for budgetary estimate of FCFA 5,909,000,000 thus a realisation of 12.65%. Recurrent expenditure stood at FCFA 593,842,336 for a budget forecast of FCFA 1,881,080,000 leading to realisation rate of 31.51% while investment expenditure had a realisation rate of 5.94%.

On his part the SDO, hailed the City Mayor and his team for a job well done in 2021 and urged them to maximize efforts in order to achieve more in 2022. He called on the revenue collectors of the council to stay clear of embezzlement. He used this the session to call for peaceful coexistence amongst Meme development stakeholders saying that he is tired of holding reconciliation meetings amongst development stakeholders.

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