May 20 of many faces

–              Massive and enthusiastic in some areas, timid and scanty in others

–              But most NW, SW localities re-join train after shutting out due to crisis

–              Unprecedent turn-out in Nguti

–              Fako in full flow; Hon. Findi knighted in Muyuka

–              Resilient Biyashows he’s very much incharge

By Doh James Sonkey and Simon Ndive Kalla

Celebrations marking the 51st National day on Saturday, May 20 which were launched in Tubah, in the North West a week earlier are now history.

As in preceding years since the crisis in the South West and North West, focus was on the participation in these regions.

While massive turn-outs were missing in most areas in these regions, there was a marked improvement in the participation in most areas whose population hitherto never came out.

To many these are signs that peace is gradually returning in these areas and that fear is gradually giving way to courage and the return of normal life.

Resilient Biya shows he’s still incharge

The President of the Republic who doubles as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, H.E Paul Biya presided over a grand military and civilian parade last May 20, 2023 to commemorate the 51st anniversary of Cameroon’s National Day at the emblematic 20th May Boulevard in Yaounde.

President Biya cheers up military parade

Nationwide festivities to celebrate the advent of the Unitary State centred on the theme  “Defence Forces and Cameroonian people in harmony to safeguard peace and national unity, bedrock of a strong and prosperous Cameroon”.

May 20, 2023 shows a view of the presidential podium during National Day celebration in Yaounde,

In the nation’s capital, the event opened with a magisterial carousel performed by a detachment of the Egyptian Army’s military band that was invited by President Paul Biya to foster the excellent, longstanding, fraternal, and diversified cooperation ties that exist between Yaounde and Cairo. A major attraction of their fantastic fanfare was the interpretation of popular Cameroonian songs like “Waka Waka” and “Soul Makossa” of Zangalewa and Manu Dibango respectively.

This was followed by another carousel from the National Gendarmerie Band, which magnified the strong bond that exists between the Cameroonian people and the Army.

Detachments of all the units that make up the defence and security forces in Cameroon marched diligently before their commander-in-chief to express their honour and loyalty to safeguard republican institutions and the territorial integrity of the country. It was also a moment of triumph for the various contingents that brandished a high sense of professionalism and the ultimate prowess of the Cameroonian Armed Forces.

This part of the march-past was under the command of Brigadier General Bouba Dobekreo, Commander of the 5th Joint Military Region.

The military march-past was proceeded by a grandiose and multi-coloured civilian parade comprised of thousands of pupils, students, and members of some political parties represented in Parliament. Numerous patriotic chants characterised this to recall the need for Cameroonians to be resilient and steadfast in the face of adversity and jealously preserve the indivisible spirit of nationhood. It also portrayed Cameroon’s rich cultural diversity, which is a cornerstone of her much-cherished unity.

Among the special guests of this year’s National Day was Youssoufa Mohamed Ali, the Minister in charge of Defence of the Union of the Comoros – personal representative of President AzaliAssoumani, current Chairperson of the African Union.

20th May celebrations in Yaounde kicked off at 6am with a religious service. As from 8am, troops and paraders assembled at the 20th May Boulevard. Guests, Generals, and Chiefs of Staff, The Armed Forces Chief of Staff, CPDM Central Committee Members residing in Yaounde, and leaders of Political parties represented at the National Assembly and Senate arrived between 8:45 am and 10am.

Their arrival was followed by those of Head of Diplomatic Missions, Representatives of International Organisations, Consules and Special guests as well as Members of Government.

Top State dignitaries continued their arrivals till 11: 45am. At 12 noon, the Presidential motorcade having on board the President of the Republic, Paul Biya arrived and was welcomed by the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph BetiAssomo.

The Head of State proceeded with a review of the troops for the event placed under the command of Brigadier General Bouba Dobekreo, Commander of the 5th Military Region.


The different corps of the Defence and Security Forces paraded in front of the President of the Republic both on foot and in their military artillery.

During the parade, the National Gendarmerie staged a choreographic display on Cameroon’s unity. The visiting military contingent from Egypt also staged a show and was heavily applauded.

Army and police troops march during the National Day celebration in Yaounde, Cameroon

The civilian march past followed immediately after the military parade, primary and secondary schools, institutions of higher learning and State Universities marched past carrying along various patriotic messages.

May 20, 2023 shows a square of Cameroonian cultural diversity marching during the National Day celebration in Yaounde, Cameroon. 

Political parties represented at the National Assembly and Senate will also took part in the parade that ended at about 2pm.

In the evening, a sumptuous dinner was offered by the Presidential Couple at the Unity Palace to mark the second phase of the celebrations. President Paul Biya and First Lady, Chantal Biya honoured the over 10,000 guests with their presence. Their kind gesture and communion were received by cheers of joy in all the compartments of the banquet hall.

Fako SDO hails population for massive turnout

Fako SDO, Chaibou has described the massive turn out of the population of Limbe and the defence forces on Saturday, May 20, as a true mark of harmony and the spirit of living together.

He thanked them for having, as he said, overcome fear and turned out massively to celebrate Cameroon’s National Day of Unity in peace.

“I want to first of all congratulate the population who turned out massively; who overcame fear and turned out to celebrate our National Day because Cameroon is one and indivisible,” Chaibou said.

He also used the occasion to thank the members of the different detachments of the defence forces who also marched passed valiantly at the Manga Williams Avenue with a lot of force and gait.

Cross section of pupils matching at Manga Williams Avenue

The population that turned out in their thousands were made up largely of students, pupils and teachers from schools across the Limbe I, II and III Sub divisions.

It is worthy to note that given the level of insecurity caused by the ongoing armed conflict in the Northwest and Southwest regions, many persons, especially in the areas where the crisis is still somewhat intense, find it difficult to go out and partake in public events such as the May 20 celebration.

It is for the above reason that SDO congratulated the population who had decided against all the odds to come out and celebrate.

The different schools and groupings that marched past did so with banners that bore varying messages calling for greater unity and peace between Anglophones and Francophones.

“Young Cameroonians, let’s have a desire to live in peace, for a strong and prosperous future” read one of the banners. Another message said “dialogue” though wrongly spelt on the said banner, was the only way to resolve crisis.

But there are some other schools of thought who are of the opinion that the Government talks of dialogue but it has not been fully exploited it in order to resolve the crisis that started in late 2016, later became an armed conflict and is still lingering up till date.

The march pass event, nevertheless, began, first with the award of varying medals of national honours to some 360 recipients. The Divisional Delegate of Secondary Education, Dr Njie, was one of the happy recipients.

Participation in other Fako subdivisions such as Buea, Tiko and Idenau was massive and enthusiastic.

Muyuka had an improved and smart participation though heavily guarded.

Business as usual in Buea amid lock down

There was lockdown in some parts of Buea and other areas of the restive North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

But at the Buea Independent Square, it was a busy morning. Thousands of soldiers, students, pupils, and civilians took part in the May 20 March past parade.The exercise started with the military march past.


All the students could be seen wearing a face mask, as part of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Muyuka: Hon Findi Stanley Knighted

– Dedicates his medal to the people of Muyuka

By Ikome Christie-NoellaEposi

The Honourable Member of Parliament for Fako East Constituency, Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo has been recognised by the President of the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency President Paul Biya for his patriotism, commitment, loyalty and dedication in the service of the nation.

The political guru was knighted with the Cameroon Order of Valour on Saturday, May 20, 2023 during the 51st edition of the National Unity Day celebrations in the Muyuka Sub-division.

Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo Knighted by the State of Cameroon ; leads successful march pass in Muyuka

The recognition exercise spear-headed by the Divisional Officer for Muyuka Sub-division, Tanyi R. Akwo witnessed a massive turnout of the militants as well as the population of Muyuka despite the ghost-town threats by the separatists. In his words, the D.O pronounced, “In the name of the President of the Republic and by virtue of the powers conferred on us, we make you Knight of the Cameroon Order of Valour”. A pronouncement which was welcomed by a thunderous applause from the population as they gazed in joy for an added feather on their Member of Parliament.

Talking to the Member of Parliament, Hon. Findi after the ceremony, he expressed gratitude to the Head of State, His Excellency President Paul Biya for recognizing his efforts in the Muyuka Sub-division. “I thank the President of the Republic of Cameroon for recognizing me in this mighty way. I am a happy man and I dedicate this medal to the people of Muyuka especially those who have done everything possible within the last years to ensure that things return to normalcy; those who have braved the odds to ensure that all activities continue to take place in Muyuka despite the crisis and the insecurity”.

Militants/ Population of Muyuka turnout massively despite ghost town threats; Rally Support behind Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo

Hon Mokondo also thanked the militants of the ruling CPDM party in Muyuka who have always accompanied him in his endeavors. “If I am been decorated today it is because of the work we all have done as a team. This is a message for me to know that there is still much to be done and I promise that I will do my best as a citizen of the nation and as a bonafite son of the municipality to ensure that my impact is felt”.

“You will bear with me that today just like before we have had a wonderful celebration but I think much needs to be done”. He called on the youths especially to leave the bushes and join the rest of the population to construct and rebuild Muyuka. “Muyuka has a lot of potentials and we are the people who are supposed to do the things that are supposed to be done to ensure that life gets back to normal, social activities restored and to ensure an effective resumption of schools by September” he revealed.

Celebrated under the theme “Defense Forces and Cameroonian People, in Harmony to Safeguard Peace and National Unity, Bedrock of a Strong and Prosperous Cameroon”, the Unity Day celebration in Muyuka saw the CPDM militants appear in their colourful blue-white attires march pass the grand stand with all smiles on their faces, honouring their nation.

The military march past was characterised by an organised march by the army, national gendarmerie and the national police. While the civilian march pass comprised of youth associations, social and cultural groups and legalized political parties.

All of Menchum celebrates

Mr Abdoullahi Aliou the Senior Divisional Officer for Menchum Division presided over the ceremony in Wum headquarters of Menchum . The ceremony saw military March past, civilian March past (primary schools, secondary schools, political parties) . Some were also honoured with medals. The 20th May culminated at the Wum town hall with the state banquet presided over the SDO for Menchum.

It should be noted that throughout the week the military and the population worked in unity and peace to give this occasion the success it deserved.

Mbengwi on this very special day, the CPDM was the only visible political party to participate.

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