Public Works Minister, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi has reassured officials of the China First Highway Engineering Company Cameroon (CFHEC) executing the Yaounde-Douala motorway project that all constraints hindering the ultimate completion of the first phase of the project will be lifted.
The Minister gave the assurance last April 23, 2020 during a video conference audience he granted officials of this Chinese construction company in his cabinet in Yaounde. During the video conference, the contractor pointed out that one of the major constraints retarding the completion of this first phase of the project is the non-disbursement of external financing evaluated at 85% by the Exim Bank due to the non-payment of its financial consideration by the Cameroon government. An intervention from an official of the Autonomous Sinking Fund (CAA) assured participants at the video conference that measures have already been undertaken to see into the payment of such considerations in the nearest future. The company was briefed that accounts have been engaged and one is still to be engaged at the level of the Directorate of General Affairs of the Ministry of Public Works to this effect.

Officials of the China First Highway Engineering Company Cameroon said they would like to get assurance from the Cameroon Government on the financing of the 40km point of the 60km stretch to be completed given the fact that their resources have almost been exhausted and that their financing will stop flowing by December 2021.
Responding to this preoccupation, Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi made CFHEC to understand that the Cameroon government intends to go in for a Public-Private partnership in which the construction company will finance the entire construction of the road and will ensure its exploitation as well. Request for financing had been done by the company to the headquarters awaiting reply which will still be re-launched.
The Minister concluded their discussion by stressing on the need to optimise available resources in order to reduce the cost of construction while at the same time maintaining the quality of work carried out. They all agreed on an urgent need to draw up a calendar for the payment of debts that will eventually facilitate the payment procedure.