Buea: G.C.E 2019 session records no major incident

The 2019 session of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education which began on May 27 2019 has ended with no major incidents recorded throughout the South West region and in Buea particularly. As the candidates of the Ordinary and Advanced levels dropped their pens/writing materials last June 14, 2019, some could be seen leaving the examination centres very excited while others left with sceptical looks as to what their results might be.
At the level of the South west region, the major challenge most candidates faced was going to their various centres on Mondays which is usually considered a ‘ghost town’. The candidates complained of transport means which made them arrive late for their Monday papers.
In an interview with the chief of Centre at the Government Bilingual High School Molyko Buea, Cecilia Lyonga, she told The SUN that “so far so good; everything has been a great success at the level of my centre”. She said the examinations went through successfully in a very serene atmosphere and no absences were recorded for both the candidates and invigilators.
Quizzed on whether or not the confusion of the celebration of the feast of Ramadan affected the exams, the chief of centre noted that all candidates at her centre were notified prior to the feast day “candidates were already aware and so there was no confusion of any sort”, Cecilia Lyonga said and furthered that “The only difference this year is that we had more candidates coming in assorted because of the socio-political atmosphere. Aside from this, there was no major challenge”.
It should be noted that while some candidates were comfortable with the examination questions, others said the questions on some of the papers such as Biology were out of space, as they had no clue of what the answers were. Nonetheless, they maintain they have done the best they could and the rest is left to God Almighty.
Presently, all the answer sheets have been assembled at the Cameroon G.C.E Board and the marking process is expected to have begun.
Pupils set for secondary school as interviews launched
As Candidates of the Ordinary and Advanced levels retire home for the long vacation period, pupils of primary 6/7 have completed the First School Leaving Certificate examinations. As the pupils await their results, some secondary schools in the region have already started their interviews into form 1.
The young and excited pupils who cannot wait to become students could be seen cued up in their numbers for their interview sessions.
The SUN observed at the Government Bilingual High School Molyko Buea, that pupils from different primary schools were present for the interview. According to the principal, everything has been put in place to welcome the fresh boys and girls into the institution. “The classrooms are ready and we are going to take those who perform well for the interviews as well as the number we can accommodate. The parents of these pupils should not be worried as we shall be very objective in our selections”, Cecilia Lyonga stated.
Tufoin Fabiola and Philemon Mbome Ntui-Ntui, pupils who came for the interview at BGHS Buea and they expressed their wish of becoming form 1 students of Lycee Molyko. They were optimistic about succeeding in the F.S.L.C and their interview into form 1.
The interviews into form 1 constitute both the oral and written sections and pupils would be admitted as students only if they prove their capability to receive ticks in the both sections.
Going by the official calendar of examinations from the ministry of Basic Education for the 2019 session, the deadline for the publication of the final results of the F.S.L.C is slated for Friday July 5 2019.

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