“Aggrieved” soldier shots one to death, injures others in snack bar in Limbe


A military officer at the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) has shot to death one person and injured at least two others in Limbe. Reports say the soldier by name Sanda with the rank of Chief Sergeant, carried out the action around 4:30 am Sunday morning, at a popular snack in the town. The SUN gathered that the soldier who had earlier spent some time at the snack to cool off, left abruptly for his house and later returned in possession with a heavily loaded M21and opened fire on unarmed people at the snack. The several and indiscriminate shots took the life of one person and injured at least two others. The sound of the firing shots caught the attention of his colleagues on guard at a near-by bank who rushed to the scene, but were unable to calm him down. After a series of quick distress calls, intervention came in and Sanda was finally arrested and taken to the gendarmerie in Limbe.

Chief Sergeant of the BIR, Sanda arrested in Limbe after odious crime

Not exactly clear is actual motive for the action, reports say Sanda must have acted out of trauma, following the supposed killing of his brothers (who are military men) in the Northwest region due to the ongoing socio-political crisis.

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