Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo-Nweh-Mundani TOU created to resolve conversation conflicts


A one-day workshop to create a platform to resolve conservation conflicts of Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo-Nweh-Mundani Technical Operation Unit, TOU was launched at Limbe Botanic Garden on Friday, June 16, 2023 by the regional inspector in charge of Technical decentralized services NkemNfong Desire.

Speaking during the launching, Nkem Nfong said the Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo-Nweh-Mundani TOU was created by Prime Ministerial decree of 24/2/2023 is aimed to sensitize the various actors and stakeholders on the importance of the TOU and role each of them have to play in the preservation of the ecosystem which is facing a lot of challenges as a result of encroachment and others conflicts.

He added that Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo-Nweh-Mundani TOU has a landscape endowed with unique and beautiful biodiversity but difficult challenges when approaching conversation projects.

Cross section of stakeholders pose for photo

NkemNfong applauded the stakeholders and actors for placing interest in contributing to the preservation of high value ecosystem in the South West Region.

“As per this Order, the Bakossi-Banyang-Mbo-Nweh-Mundani TOU shall be an ecological complex charged with the management of natural resources, involving all the current players within the TOU with a view to ensuring the integrity of protected areas and improving the living conditions of communities to ensure sustainable development.” Nkem Nfong said.

He added that the Head Office of the TOU shall be in Bangem, Headquarters of the Kupe-Muanenguba Division of the South West Region. It shall cover 513,000 hectares and placed under the supervision of the Regional Delegation of Forestry and Wildlife for the South West.

According to the Regional Delegate of forestry and wildlife for the South West Region Ikome Delphine it is a platform where by the different stakeholders come together to brainstorm and address issues related to the management of natural resources within this landscape in the South West Region.

She added that the TOU comprises of various stakeholders, like different land users intervening in the area and each of them will have to identify the issues to be addressed.

Meanwhile the conservator of Banyang-Mbo wildlife sanctuary Langsi George Ngwa explained that there have been a lot of conflict between the ministry of agriculture attributing land to agro-industrial companies, ministry of mine and protected area with MINEPA and discriminatory sales of land by Chiefs.

He added that the TOU was created to bring various stakeholders together to develop a possible solution in both activity of agriculture Mining, livestock could be carry out without harming the natural resources found in these area.

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