Government has upgraded the process through which state employees receive information on their monthly pay packages through a platform known as AIGLES (Application de Gestion Informatique et Logique des Effectifs de la Solde).
In a January 23 Press Release signed by Finance Minister, Louis Paul Motaze, he mentioned that the Software has a host of advantages. “The software has several advantages, namely the automatic processing of grade and class advancements that allowed career updating with financial impact for more than 203,000 civil servants this month.”

According to the Minister, the innovation also enables “wage consolidation as it henceforth guarantees a higher security of the payroll database, a public service of better quality, mobility management, as well as interactions among users together with career and balance managers through the web portal.”
The Release further suggests that the software also provides personal data in addition to monthly and annual payslips.”
The Press Release further details that, “From January onwards, civil servants will notice changes on their pay slips relating to the format of their matricule numbers, the naming and coding of elements of their salary and the standardization of certain earnings.”
Through the platform, civil servants now receive a direct text message from the system updating on the flow of their salaries at month-end.