Northwest Regional Assembly engages communities in Regional Development Plan

By Ndefru Melanie in Bamenda

The President of the Northwest Regional Assembly, Prof. FruAngwafo III has called on every stakeholder and every community in the region to be involved in the Regional Development Plan, as better standards of living will be realized through collective efforts.

“The Regional Development Plan is an important tool because it is like a guide, so that in the next 5 years we will be working from that tool. The plan has the whole region involved: every division, sub division and villages.  The planning in it will guide us where we should do projects”.

President of the Northwest Regional Assembly talking to press at the 10th ordinary session

“What’s important now is that, the whole community should get together, continue conversations that would better our lives. The Regional Development plan cannot work in a situation where we are not talking to each other, we are the people to make it work, involving all consultations from all stakeholders on the ground”, President Northwest Regional Assembly.

Speaking at the opening of the 10th ordinary session of the North West Regional Assembly on April 17, 2023, The President called on all to be inclusive actors in the peace-building process and development of the Region.

President of the Northwest Regional Assembly with youths, athletes in the Northwest region

The ordinary session was dedicated to presentation and evaluation of budgetary execution, administrative accounts, management accounts and the stores (material) accounts for 2022

Some regional councillors expressed satisfaction with the presentation of accounts. These accounts were presented and articulated, while showing evidence to the improvement of project realizations compared to the Assembly’s first year of existence.

North West Athletes present trophies to NWRA

The North West Regional Executive Council, headed by its President, Prof. FruAngwafo III and members of the 2 houses (Divisional Representatives and house of Chiefs) received athletes that took part in the February 25, mount Cameroon race of hope.

President FruAngwafo III, congratulated the athletes for their brilliant performance and strongly representing the Region in the respective categories of race, which was organised in Buea on February 25, 2023.

“Your victory should serve as an example to other youths in the Region, because the North West can only thrive when youths actively engage in the life of the Region. Everybody must get on board in the spirit of “U na Mi, Mi naU,  We bi We ” no matter their origin”.

According to the communication page of the Northwest Regional Assembly, the efforts of the Cameroon Athletics Federation, North West Regional league,  Tick Barnabas Emngoh and Councillor Nfor Marcel, Divisional Representative for Donga Mantung, Vice president of North West Athletes Federation, were  commended for their selfless commitment and efforts to see youths always triumph in athletics.

The athletes expressed gratitude to the Regional Assembly for the FCFA 2,000,000FCFA financial support given them to prepare for the race. The sum went a long way to motivate them to give in their best shot and bring home 16 of the 18 trophies in the race. They also acknowledged Regional Executive Council members, Divisional Representatives, members of the house of Chiefs and all North Westerners who believed in them.

In receiving these athletes, the Assembly was accompanied by the Representative of the State, Governor Adolphe LeleLafrique and other Regional dignitaries.

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