SDF national chairmanship: Godden Zama declares candidacy – Says he can resolve the anglophone crisis in six months


As aspirant for the vacant SDF national chairman position, Limbe electoral district chairman, Ndenge Godden Zama says he has a well-thought-out strategy to put an end to the seven-year armed conflict in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of the country.

He made this remark on Saturday, August 5, 2023 during a press conference to declare his candidature to run for the post of the national chairman of Social Democratic Front, SDF.

Aspirant SDF national chairman, Limbe electoral district chairman, Ndenge Godden Zama speaking during press conference

“My first task is to stop the war. Our people have been at it for 7 years now.If there was anything we were hoping to achieve we have done so. The bravest amongst us have fought and died in battle.”

“Now is the time to end the war and develop our villages and cities, now is the time to end the war and allow our kids to go back to school. As chairman, I promise to capitalize on these gains and put an end to the war within 6 months of my ascension to power.” Godden Zama

Quizzed on his motive to run for the post of national chairman of SDF he said the goal is to build a party that can ensure that not just the militants of SDF but the entire Cameroonian nation can live a dignified life. “No nation can talk of growth and development if its citizens cannot be offered a dignified life”. Godden Zama said.

He added that over the last couple of years, thousands of young Cameroonians have fled out of the country and large majority of them have risked their lives, undertaking perilous journeys on foot through the dangerous Sahara desert, the deadly Mediterranean seas, and the wild jungles of South America giving up everything for the dream of a better life.

“These compatriots have come face to face with death, slavery, and sexual violence all for the promise of a better life and who can blame them?” Godden Zama questioned.

Zama says as chairman he wants to accompany the militants of SDF by leading from the front so that the great national party can take its rightful place in the Cameroonian nation and finally deliver on its huge promise. “Like you I have never given up; I didn’t give up when they kept me in a rat hole in SED for a month; I didn’t give up when locked up in the dungeons of Kondengui for seven months.” Godden Zama added.

“Cameroonian prison system didn’t break me; it didn’t stop me from my dreams of leading our people. Nothing can break me! As leader of the party, we would build back better, we would inspire a new generation of militants, and we would fight for the dignity and honour of the Cameroonian youth.” Godden Zama said.

He added the story of the nation cannot be told without a worthy mention of SDF party. The party of democracy, the party of liberation, the party of sacrifice and martyrdom, above all the party of Ni John FruNdi, Siga Assanga, Nyoh Wakai, Albert Mokung all of blessed memory.

“Today we officially kickstart this journey to inspire a new party and a new nation. A party that can reflect the people’s desire to live in dignity,”

“Nothing concrete can be achieved without peace, our dignity cannot be restored with the constant raping of our mothers and sisters, the kidnapping and ransom taking, the arbitrary detention and wanton killing, the extortion and the crazy abuse of human rights.”,

“My dear brothers and sisters, incessant bloodshed will never be the path to dignity. There is no glory in War!! We lost alot already, our mothers, wives and sisters have shed enough tears. Now is the time to bury our differences and find what dignifies us.” Godden Zama added.

Quizzed on the way forward after the conference he said he will start a nationwide tour to meet and discuss face-to-face with the militants of the party to kickstart the biggest political revolution in the history of Cameroon. “I call on our militants to be bold and courageous and use their votes to engrave a mark in history. This will be the start of a new and better era. Together we must”, Godden Zama said.

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