Senator Mbella Moki shames Hon. Lisinge’s killers

Senator Mbella Moki Charles has in a Facebook post suggested that Hon. Arthur Ekeke Lisinge’s death might not have been natural.
The Honourable Member of Parliament for the Buea Constituency, Hon Arthur Ekeke Lisinge reportedly died at the Mount Mary Hospital in Buea on Tuesday October 10, 2017 after an illness.
He had just come back from a medical trip in South Africa where he had a surgery. “When he came back from Pretoria after having a surgical operation, we thought everything will be fine” explains another CPDM Member of Parliament.
It should be noted that this is the third CPDM member of Parliament dying in 8 months. On May 4, 2017, the Almighty God called his Servant Hon. Madjele, CPDM Member of Parliament for the Mayo Kani Division of the Extreme North Region. Few Months earlier it was Hon. Joseph Mboui MP for the Sanaga Maritime Division who died on February 28, 2017.
Senator Mbella Moki wrote the following on his Facebook wall:
“The Rt. Hon. P.M. Kale and Dr. E.M.L. Endeley – The glorious days in Fako politics. These men had differences but no one wished the other death or boasted to have killed the other.
None of them framed vulgar language, stories, plans and lies against their brothers and sisters with the collaboration of some authorities to destroy and kill each other. Today, those days are gone, the men are gone, our identity is gone, our pride is gone, our heritage is gone, ill gotten wealth is driving every opportunist mad.
Now we see enemies were there are no enemies. We always try to light grass that is all wet; “things have fallen apart and the center cannot hold, mere anarchy is loose upon the land..”. Why should anyone; a so-called Fako person, for whatever reason publicly claim and boast of killing a distinguished Son of Fako like the late Hon. Author Ekeke Lisinge and claim he has plans to kill other prominent sons of Fako yet Authorities are silent?
We can see how low we have gotten. Has human life become so worthless that we should toy with one another and operate as if there is no tomorrow? Can we put a human touch into our thoughts, words and deeds?
Let us endeavour to balance the power of God in our hearts with the power entrusted into our hands for Our God is still on the throne. We shall continue to watch and pray. But, Let us quickly repent. We absolutely need to. We may not subscribe to the scriptures but what about the law of karma? God is watching.”

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