Customs Chief wants Tiko Ports modernized to improve revenue

Chief of Customs for Tiko Fourou Kerbai Ferdinand urges government to modernise the Tiko seaport so as to clear old stock of goods which are occupying space at the port which he said will endanger people’s health, he added that it will generate more revenue to the customs sector in the Region and country in general.
He said modernising the port as South West Region will host AFCON in 2019 will generate more revenue in the state coffers and equally beautify Tiko as tourists will pay visits to the town through the port.
The Tiko Customs chief Fourou Kerbai Ferdinand made this appeal on Thursday, February 15, 2018 in an exclusive interview with The SUN.
Quizzed on the strategies put in place to fight against contraband goods, he said he has been carrying physical control of all goods into the wharf following the new procedure of customs norms.
He added that, has been carrying serious sensitization with transporters coming from Nigeria to avoid contraband goods which have negative impact of home market not to grow.
Fourou Kerbai said since his installation in Tiko he has been having serious meetings with transporters at the wharf informing them the importance to fight against illicit goods and the danger it poses to the economy of the country.
He has equally been working with the mixed commission created by the governor of the South West Region Bernard Okalia Bilai to reinforce security in the various entering point of Tiko with the administrative authorities and local populace to fight against contraband goods.
The Tiko Customs boss also said he is working with the general customs commission (HALCOMI) to help to fight against illegal and counterfeit goods all over the country and Tiko especially.
As mean to boost the customs sector in the Division, Region and the Country in general Fourou Kerbai Ferdinand said the government should reach a partnership agreement with Nigerian and equally ensure a close collaboration between the security collaboration between the security forces and custom authorities.
Following the theme of this year’s Customs Day “A secure business environment for economic development” Fourou Kerbai Ferdinand said government should not only support specific interventions for business to flourish but equally to look at the external environment in which business operate
It’s should be noted that, during the official installation of the Chief of Customs for South West Region, Awono Mbede Thomas he was charged with his collaborators to improve on their communication strategies so as to educate economic operators on customs procedure and to create an enabling environment that will help boost competition and growth in the South West Region.

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