Apostolic Administrator unveils fresh anti-coronavirus restrictive measures for Buea Diocese

“Act as if you were infected with Covid-19 and treat everyone else as if they were”, the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Buea said April 24, 2020 in furtherance to earlier measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Monsignor Michael Miabesue Bibi says with the situation of the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, evolving daily, the church needs to keep pace with the evolution of the pandemic to ensure that everyone remains safe and stop the spread of the virus in the diocese and beyond.
In furtherance to his March 17 and March 25 directives to all priests, religious and lay faithful, the Apostolic Administrator rolled out fresh guidance on how faithful can keep safe as well as enable their brothers and sisters keep safe.

 Monsignor Michael Miabesue Bibi
Monsignor Michael Miabesue Bibi

“Stay at home as much as you can. Do not visit others and do not encourage visitors to your home,” said Bibi. “If it is necessary for you to go out, please wear a protective face mask and avoid public and crowded spaces. Prioritise personal, family and community hygiene.”
The Apostolic Administrator has ordered the provision of soap and running water or hand sanitisers at the entrance to all churches in the Diocese of Buea. Aside reminding priests to ensure that no more than 50 Christians attend Mass at every given time in keeping with government prescriptions, Bishop Bibi says Christians must sit at least two meters from each other, with social distancing superseding the requirement for numbers.
“Everyone at Mass, including the priest, is required to wear a protective face mask. The priest is required to wear the face mask throughout Holy Mass, with slight interruption when reading the Gospel and preaching and when consuming the sacred species,” writes Bishop Bibi.
The office of Altar Server is suspended until further notice, same with regular and statutory meetings of apostolic groups.
Priests will now personally prepare the vessels, hosts, water and wine for every Holy Mass, and will no longer be assisted in the distribution of Holy Communion by male and female religious.
Confessions and administration of the Sacrament of the Sick as well as wedding and memorial masses are suspended until further notice. Holy water stoops will remain unused and priests will no longer sprinkle Christians with holy water The Apostolic Administrator enjoins faithful in the Diocese of Buea to pray without ceasing as well as respect anti-coronavirus restrictive measures.

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