2017 GCE examiners to be paid this month

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea
The board chair of the Cameroon GCE board, Professor Peter Abety has promised that GCE examiners who marked the 2017 session of examinations and who have been owed their pay for a while now will be paid come early this month.
Prof. Peter Abety made the statement recently in Buea during the 49th Ordinary session of the council of the Cameroon GCE Board dedicated to the examination of the 2018 budget and the registration of the 2018 GCE examinations.
Worthy of note is the fact that, the money owed to the GCE examiners stand at FCFA 1,265,000,000 and shall be paid in totality in January 2018. Other issues such as out station allowances owed examiners who marked the 2017 GCE examinations were equally discussed during the brief meeting.
In a communiqué issued by the board after the session, the board chair congratulated and thanked the examiners for their patience and profound understanding for having taken part in the marking process without compromising standards; but ensuring that those who passed where those who merited it
“Council further calls on all Teachers to continue to carry out their sacerdotal assignment of teaching the children with diligence, commitment and a high sense of sacrifice which they have usually demonstrated in the past; without being distracted by the ongoing social crisis in some part of the country”, the communiqué stated.
A call was equally made to parents to ensure that their children get themselves registered for upcoming examination. “Parents should register their children before the dateline of December 29, 2017 and to ensure that they are ready and fully prepared to sit for the 2018 GCE examinations when the appropriate time comes”. Thus read the communiqué.
At the end of the deliberations, the 2018 GCE Board budget was adopted at FCFA 6,454,000,000 (FCFA 5.984 billion as recurrent budget and FCFA 470 million as investment).

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