Another Nigerian fishing vessel seized by Cameroon navy

One of the routine patrols of the Limbe Naval Base off the coast of Bakassi peninsula has again apprehended a vessel, Star Shrimper XXII, which was fishing within a forbidden area. This vessel was caught last Wednesday in the oil fields of Bakassi Peninsula and brought to the shores of the Limbe Bota wharf for cross examination and subsequent sanctions.
Upon arrival in Limbe, there was a stakeholders meeting of the different government agencies concerned to look into the various offences committed by this vessel. This was in order that when a fine being levied on the defaulters, it will be comprehensive, adding that the vessel had no fishing permits nor license.
According to Colonel Ngonge Sone Emmanuel, Limbe Naval Base Commander, one of the reasons why fishing vessels venture into forbidden areas is because there is always a huge catch in such areas. And, they also rely on the probability that there will be no maritime control in such areas hence they will not be caught.
“We are using this platform to inform the public that though we might not be in the waters 24/7, we are very engaged in operation activities. We equally plead that the sanctions handed down to defaulters are dissuasive enough for them and others,” he added.
On his part, Walters Andu Ndi, Regional Delegate of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, said some of the fishes caught were premature, not ready for consumption. These fishes he said were supposed to be thrown back into water immediately, to allow for it to mature.
“We will sanction the vessel from the perspective of the fishing gears used, the quantity of the premature among others.”
Talking to Michael Zama, Head of South West Maritime District, he lauded the joint effort of the state to ensure that the offense of this vessel will be looked at from every angle.
“We realised that this vessel, Star Shrimper XXII has committed a lot security breaches will carrying out its activities and that is where we come in. our job is to ensure that fishing is carried within a stipulated area without any security breach, but this is not the case with this vessel.”
Worth noting is the fact that in the last six months, this is the eighth illegal fishing vessel that has been apprehended by the Limbe Naval Base. And they have promised not relent until illegal vessel are completely eradicated from our territorial waters.

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