At Bakweri Politics 2nd AGM: Members resolve to ensure team work, build together and remain united

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea

Members of the Bakweri Politics whatsapp group have resolved to remain united, build together and ensure team work.

This was one among the many resolutions taken during their 2nd annual general meeting which took place recently in Buea.

In his opening remark, the group administrator, Mbua Emmanuel Mbua talked about what Bakweri politics is all about and plans the association/group has in the nearest future.

He thanked all members for the efforts and sacrifices put in place to ensure a successful event. “Bakweri politics is a whatsapp group not like any other group. Created in January 2018, we have gone beyond just a whatsapp group to meeting one-on-one and we have carried out numerous projects over the years”.

Appreciating members for team work which has contributed in taking the group to higher heights, Mbua Emmanuel added that last year members just had a come together and this year they decided to rebrand the meeting to an AGM. “That is one of our projects. We have other projects such as that of Bakweri politics person of the year award (goodwill Ambassador), BP development fund to contribute funds and support development in Fako, Hon. Etoke business support, mami cow njangi project, BP Best woman award, BP micro-savings to begin this January amongst others.

Dr. Paul Mondoa Ngomba in his intervention said “we can only be better together. There is nothing we can do than ensuring that we stay united and live together as one people”. He encouraged the BP goodwill ambassador of the year to take the position as a challenge and contribute to the growth of the group. He reiterated his commitment to ensure that next years’ AGM is a greater success.

The Chief of Wolikawo village, Chief Motowe Marcus talking to BP members expressed joy for such a great initiative. “A lot of us are still backward because of envy, back-stabbing and mimicking. This is time for us to unite as one and fight the common enemy. This group should not only end at merry making but you all should work towards developmental projects and help each other grow”.

In her remark, the BP person of the year 2023 Iya Emma Enanga Lisefe aka Lisbel thanked everyone for their support. She pleaded that members ensure team work so that together they all can achieve greater exploits for the group.

Talking to the press, the godfather of the BP forum Hon. Fritz Ngeka Etoke encouraged members of BP to work in synergy and support each other grow. “We need to take Fako forward and the youths of BP have to spearhead such initiatives and take Fako to the next level. This is an exceptional whatsapp group with donations and awards so I urge them to keep up the good work”.

The assistant event manager, Iya Irene Dikaki Etombi granting a press interview decried some challenges faced such as getting everyone on board at the preparation face. She however appreciated the massive turnout of members and the general success of the event.

At the close of the meeting, some members were awarded with prizes for their extra commitments, contributions and support to the growth of the group and they were encouraged to do better. The new Fako elites recognized and appreciated the C.E.O of Elephant’s Info, Ekema Njoku for his hard work, dedication and love for culture. They encouraged him to move on and keep up with the good work.

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