By Atia Tilarious Azohnwi
Hon. Fobi Nchinda Simon, Social Democratic Front (SDF) Member of Parliament for the Bamenda/Bali Constituency has said President Paul Biya should urgently resolve the conflict in the North West and South West Regions in order for the October 7 presidential elections to hold in peace.
He was speaking to The SUN Monday, September 10, 2018 during a visit at the Joshua Osih campaign headquarters in Akwa, Douala.
Accosted for remarks, it was a satisfied Member of Parliament for Bamenda/Bali Constituency who talked to The SUN Newspaper: “I am extremely happy and impressed by the work that the team is doping. You can see that it is a very dynamic team. If they continue, as I am sure they will, I am certain that on October 7, the country will get a very pleasant surprise with the election of our new president, Osih.”
He told the electorate to be courageous enough to vote candidate Osih, and to go the extra mile to protect their votes.
“Look at candidate Osih as the possible saviour for Cameroon. The programme he has built is a solid program. I have personally worked with candidate Joshua Osih for over six years at the finance committee of parliament and I know what he is capable of. That is why I am here to give him the support. I am convinced that he is the best candidate we have,” Fobi said.
Told to send a message to voters in the North West and South West Regions, Fobi said:
“The North West and South West has a particular problem and the solution in my opinion must come from the president. Mr. Biya must find an urgent solution to the problems of the North West and South West regions. He is the one who declared the war and he is the one to bring the solution. The war is costing the state more than FCFA six billion a month. He must stop it and I do personally believe that peace in the North West and South West is a condition for going for elections. Peace must come. Mr. biya is the one who can take that decision.

“Withdraw your voter cards, be ready to man the polling stations, vote on that day, stay and see your votes counted and accompany the boxes to the receiving stations. Make sure that your vote counts. Talk to your neighbour. Recruit as many Osih supporters as possible from within your own work place and family. Osih’s message for the Cameroon of tomorrow is a fantastic message. We must believe in it.”