By Ikome Christie-noella Eposi in Buea
Members of the Catholic Men Association at the St Charles Lwanga Parish Molyko, Buea ended their 9-day novena which was specially aimed at committing the country in prayers especially during such turbulent times.
It should be noted that, despite the ghosts’ days in particular and other effects of the crisis such as gunshots and deaths in general, the men (CMA) through their faith in Christ were able to successfully carry out their novena.
The 9 day novena period of intense prayers was equally aimed at thanking God for answered prayers, abundant blessings, gift of life, and comfort for those who have lost dear ones throughout the struggle, those seeking refuge in the bushes and for peace in Cameroon as a whole.
Talking to our paper, the parish president of the Catholic men association Molyko, AyukAbore Agborm Buoh said, the decision to hold the 9-day novena was made during their national executive meeting where all men of the Catholic church were called upon to cry to mother Mary with St Joseph interceding for them to intervene in the present crisis which is plaguing the two English speaking regions of the country.

“We believe sincerely that with the commitments and prayers, God is going to intervene and we shall have a miraculous solution to this crisis because there is nothing God cannot do.”
The president added that, the 9 days has been intense as all the odds have been braced especially with the ghosts Mondays which was a big challenge to the novena period.
Esemu Benedict is the president of the branch of Humility at the catholic Parish Molyko and according to him, prayer moves mountains and it is the key that opens all doors reasons why the 9 day prayer/novena was dedicated to God to look into all the different cracks in our society which is causing instability, deaths etc. He added that it was not really an easy period especially due to the ghost days but with God on their side, they successfully made it through.
A mass was later held after the men closed the novena. During the mass, Fr. Ernest Neba Ngonjoh delivered the homily to the Christians centered on restoring peace in our country Cameroon. He urged all the Christians to strive for peace and to turn to God and seek his face in prayer always especially at such terrible times.
“If there must be peace in the country, the people must be good will. True peace is based on truth, justice, love and freedom and for all of this to work, we all must respect and obey God’s commands,” Fr. Neba preached.
Also, he told all to have inner peace before thinking and praying for world peace. “Examine your hearts and make peace with yourselves,” he said.
“Do not nurse hurtful thoughts or revenge in your hearts as this gives room for War. God is always ready to give us peace which begins from within our hearts” he concluded his homily.
The 9 day novena took place for 9 days as from 5pm and lasted for an hour and on days were there was mass, the novena started at 4 till 5pm for the mass.
“This is my very 1st experience to undergo such a novena and it has been so wonderful and enriching. I have been touched by the holy spirit and I pray that such novena’s are made regular so that we can grow spiritually,” Mbaraga Lucas is a CMA member of the Molyko parish from the branch of peace.
In total there are six branches under the Catholic men association at the Molyko parish which are: Humility, Peace, prudence, fidelity, faith and love.