Cameroon Bar Association seeks stronger role in development

The twin ordinary and extraordinary Session of the General Assembly of the BAR Association held Saturday May 21 at the Castel Hall, in Douala. This meeting among other objectives is as a result of the last which did not have a quorum. The attendance this time was massive so issues related to their profession, the practice of law in Cameroon like organic law, projects like the land acquired for a multipurpose secretariat, the peace fullness of the Bar its sustainability, and the budget were to be discussed.
In the presence of the direct representative of the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals the Procuror-General of the Littoral Region, Mr. Awana, the President of the Bar and other legal minds, the President of the General Assembly NICO Halle in an emotional speech started by thanking God for those who were in attendance stating that their presence was an eloquent testimony of their attachment to the Bar Association. He added that for them to have given time and sacrificed their resources to be present, was heart-warming.
He went on to say that a nation is built by a few who sacrifice, for if you wait for others the desired goals will be a failure. Nico Halle cited President Kennedy during his swearing in occasion on February 20, 1961 where he said a citizen should not ask what the country has done for him or her but rather what he or she will contribute for the nation. So, he urged everyone to contribute financially and other wise towards the growth of the profession.
The president of the General Assembly observed in concrete terms that in Cameroon, a lawyer’s role has been reduced to going to court but now let the lawyer now start by socializing occasionally to have some relaxation from a very excruciating profession, in order to inculcate the spirit of brotherhood. A lawyer, he went on is supposed to be an indispensible part of the development process of the nation or its very foundation. “Take away the lawyer; there will be no justice no law, no harmony and no development”.
He praised government for having organized the just ended Cameroon Investment Forum through the initiative of the Head of state but politely criticized the fact that lawyers who are key to explain to foreign investors that their business will be very secure, explain the investment charter, and other rights and obligations, were not invited, for example. Like a teacher, he said that 80% of the parliament in the UK or the congress in America is made of lawyers. So lawyers in Cameroon should be given the opportunity to contribute to nation-building. He emphasized that there is no component in this nation that does not require lawyers so lawyers should be at the forefront of investment issues in the country, because lawyers have to present to investors the legal framework. Nico Halle then called on lawyers once more to start speaking freely and directly and not indirectly. He called on the Minister’s representative to take this message to him.
To his colleagues he said that to fulfill these roles, lawyers need to be an example in society. He clarified that one who has studied law up to the level of PHD or Doctorate and does not practice is not a lawyer. So, he called on lawyers who derail from their ethics to build credibility and integrity by avoiding shady deals, backstabbing, defamation, blackmailing and hatred. He invoked the Holy Spirit to help them abandon this behavior. He said they have to be accountable and transparent to each other and in whatever they are doing. The President of the General Assembly asked everyone to embrace diplomacy instead of confrontation.
Some of the projects he listed were that to edify the Bar , land has been acquired in Yaoundé where a multipurpose centre for the Bar will be constructed instead of renting places. Nico Halle recognized the efforts of colleagues like Monte, Chingam and Eta Bisong for grooming advocates into the profession. He also recognized the efforts of all those who have been instrumental in proposing ideas which will help to strengthen the growth and image of the profession.
In his speech, the representative of the of the Minister encouraged lawyers to go into such projects that will change opinions to show that the profession is getting serious and advised lawyers to live according to their ethics or imitate proper role models.


Family photo at Castel HallPress briefing with General Assembly President

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