Cameroon History Society expresses indignation over findings of France’s actions in Cameroon


The Cameroon History Society SCH, has in a Press Release expressed the body’s indignation towards the work presented by the Franco-Cameroonian Commission to research on French atrocities against Cameroonian nationalists and opposition movements during the Colonial and Independence periods of the country. According to the SCH, the work done by the Commission leaves much to be desired.

The body says they even found it arrogant when France’s President, Emmanuel Macron had announced in Yaounde last July 2022 during his visit and in the presence of Cameroon’s Head of State, that he (Macron) was going to create a mixed Commission of Cameroonian and French historians to work on the project, without using the word “we” to also include the Cameroonian Head of State.

The SCH says The Commission, comprising historian Karine Raymondy in the research part and Singer Blick Bassy in the artistic part, is nothing short of an insult to Cameroonian historians. “This is why…the Cameroon History Society (SCH) solemnly expresses its total indignation”.  The body maintains that Cameroonian Historians have and continue to engage meaningful research on the subject. While holding that the crimes and massacres carried out by France during the said periods are well known, the SCH says the said findings presented by the mixed Commission is only a calculated design done not to make France accountable for its crimes against humanity perpetuated on the Cameroonian people.

The body also holds that there are too many issues that are not addressed in spite of the fact that the writers had the classified documents at their disposal. Amongst others, the SCH cites atrocities committed by French man Theodore Paul Marchand between1923-1933, atrocities against Cameroonians who were members of the KEDGV (1934-1943), massacres following the Resolutions of the Brazzaville Conference in 1945 etc.

Discarding the supposed findings, the SCH rejoices in the present day Cameroonian youth which the body presents is different and more enlightened than those of the colonial era.

Also, reacting on the subject, a renowned historian says, “In several areas, they used my books and even mentioned my name in the text, yet they never bothered to interview me. He says, “The 1085-page report is nothing short of covering up the atrocities. Reparations/indemnity and a public apology are called for.”

While doubting aloud why members of the Cameroon team should be appointed by the French government, the expert says Cameroon has a recognised academic body, the Cameroon History  Society, that has most of the top historians in the country. How will you feel, for instance, if a subject that is to be handled by the Cameroon Bar Association, the Cameroon Medical Association, the Cameroon Association of Engineers or the Cameroon Association of Architects and those to study and report on the problem on behalf of Cameroon and Cameroonians are decided by the French government? How can you appoint a French to chair the work of a committee charged with reporting on atrocities committed in Cameroon on Cameroonians by the French? Let me quickly add that I am not a member of the Cameroon History Society; you should not think that I am saying so because I am a member”, the expert says.


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