CAN 2017 Trophy Caravan gets hilarious welcome in Littoral, South West Regions

BY NDUMBE BELL and Qui Esther
The hilarious welcome reserved for the CAN 2017 trophy demonstrates once more that sports especially football, also caller soccer by the Americans, is almost an opium to the Douala public and in Cameroon, in general.
The Bonaberi public was awakened by a long convoy headed by the Governor of the Littoral Region Ivaha Diboua including the Government Delegate of the Douala City Council, the SDO of the Region Mr Bea, top brass military officers, Roger Milla, media practitioners and a significant deployment of motorised armed soldiers and security men to guard the trophy and those who accompanied it from the Moungo direction.
The head of delegation from the Moungo handed over responsibility to the Governor in a brief speech of joy after which the caravan headed for Rond Point in Deido. From Deido to Akwa Nord, to Bonamousadi, Bedi, Nyalla, Yassa , Rond Point Tradex, Village, MRS Nkouloulou to Akwa in front of the Catholic Cathedral and finally to Vallée Besseke, where the final official closing ceremony was to be performed.
At each turning point one could hear the dense population expecting to see the players and the trophy repeat what the President of the Republic had mentioned at Etondi “ à la sauce, à la sauce” in what one could translate as <we trampled over them> and others. Reacting to the overall occasion, some bystanders, fans and others were not happy because the players were absent.
In his speech during the official closing ceremony, the Sports Minister explained that the players could not join because of FIFA regulations on those issues. He, however, mentioned that some players who find it convenient, are already on their way here to join in subsequent caravans in other regions of the country. The youth and Cameroonians in general, were advised and even urged, to emulate the collaborative or team spirit demonstrated by the lions and the lionesses. He added that it was our intention to retain that cup in 2019 to make the 6th time to show that Cameroon is a truly major sport country, not only in Africa but also in the world. Earlier, prayers made by religious pundits appealed for peace and love in the country.
The South West lap
The trophy indeed got to Tiko the entrance town into the South West Region on Thursday February 24 and was received by Mayor Mukondo Daniel, at the precincts of Tiko Council. The cottage later moved to Limbe, where it went round the main streets of the beautiful town of friendship. Here is the reaction of some persons who turned out for the event.
Cedric Shuyong in Tiko, student University of Buea: “It is such a joyous event for me because since I grew up and have been following football, it is my first time of seeing the trophy and even a national team player at close range. I feel so elated and overjoyed because such events can come just once in a lifetime.”
Alvin in Tiko, student University of Buea: “I am really excited to be part of such an experience. It felt good touching the cup. I hope that one day I will be able to do same.”
Emmanuel Divine in Tiko, student: “It is my first time of seeing the trophy in Cameroon and I hope next time they will bring the World Cup.”
Enow Valentine Tambe in Limbe, senior brother to Robert Ndip Tambe: “I am so so proud of my junior brother, for the level he has attained so far. He has really proven to the nation that he is good in what he does best. We are very happy to receive our brother.”
Felicite Mafany in Limbe, Fan Club Tambe Robert: “We are so happy to see Tambe Robert because we all grew up together and we are so proud of him. That is why we are all here today from Cassava Farm and Unity Quarters to support him as a friend and brother.”
DJ Base in Limbe, Fan Club Tambe Robert: “We have come to congratulated and encourage him to keep going higher. We were surprised to see his name feature on the list of the first 23 of the National team and since then we have not stopped supporting him.”
Kevin Isaac in Limbe, Fan Club Tambe Robert: “Robert Ndip Tambe is my junior brother in the quarter, Cassava Farms. My prayer was that he should for at least 10 minutes during the competition but I was so excited when he played more than that time. And I am proud of him because he also contributed to this continental victory that Cameroon has achieved.”
Roland Ekema Ngalle in Limbe: “I will like to thank the Head of State for the opportunity to see the cup for the first time; it is sign of national unity and the population has received the cup with a lot of joy and happiness. I equally want to appreciate the players for their determination to uphold the spirit of together in Cameroon.
Cidoine in Limbe, student GBHS Limbe: “I am very happy to see the cup for the first time and I watched all the matches of the competition.

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