Girls excel drills peer educators on gender base violence

Girls excel, a Non Governmental organisation, NGO has trained over 40 young peer educators on Gender Base Violence. The two days training tagged: ‘Safe 2 Express-Preventing and Responding to Gender Base Violence in Fako, South West region’, started on Friday, September 27- Saturday 28, 2019 in Limbe.
Speaking during the seminar, the CEO of Girls excel, Konda Delphine said the main aim of the training is to train trainers with the tools and skills they require to go into the community and disseminate information, carry awareness and to provide available services to people who are victims of Gender Base Violence especially in emergency respond context.

Group photo; administration  pose with participants
Group photo; administration
pose with participants

Konda Delphine said they will map out strategies on how peer educators will go into their various communities to carry out the sensitisation and also conduct a research on which organisations in Fako are already doing great work on Gender Base Violence and what services they have available, so that they can exploit and tap into the available resource and use it to further empower the community.
The CEO added that, they are out to empower organisations with the right skills, as participants at the seminar represented civil society organisations and also government technical services.
Konda Delphine however appreciated her partners like Urgent Action Fund, Limbe I Council UNFP, and LUKMEF among others. She revealed that the next phase of the training will be in the second week of October, as they will embark on a door-to-door and bus-to-bus sensitisation campaign.
Tanyi Christian, one of the facilitators, spoke on the basic concept of Gender Base Violence, various types of Gender Base Violence and how it affects survival as well as educated participants on the principle of Gender Base Violence. He told the press that the peer educators will be doing a lot of community-level engagement and awareness raising, so they are expecting to see a lot of positive outcome from what the participants have been trained on.

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