Kidnapped delegate pleads from captivity

By Elah Geoffrey Mbongale
The North West regional delegate for social affairs, Animbom Aaron, who was kidnapped last February 25, 2018 in Batibo by suspected separatist fighters has in a video, allegedly released by the Ambazonia Defence Forces, called on the government through the Minister of Social Affairs to show the arrested Ambazonia leaders to the public so as to save his life.
The delegate who was seemingly in the same clothing as the day of his abduction said; “I am Animbom Aaron Yong, Regional Delegate of Social Affairs for the North West Region. I am pleading to the Minister of Social Affairs to intervene that the leaders of Ambazonia, that were arrested and we are told that they were brought to Yaounde, should be shown to the public to show that the people are alive, because I am here and they have given me 48 hours that I will be sacrificed if these leaders are not shown to be alive. I have been kidnapped by the ADF and I am pleading to the Minister of Social Affairs to intervene at the level of hierarchy so that my life can be spared.”
Animbom Aaron was kidnapped on February 25 in Batibo as he was returning from a funeral in the village, just over a week after the Divisional Officer for Batibo Marcel Namata Diteng was equally abducted on February 11 from the Grand Stand while preparing for Youth Day activities.
The whereabouts of the D.O of Batibo are still to be known as the military continues and extensive search for the two kidnapped officials.
The Ambazonia leaders including the self-proclaimed Interim president, of the virtual republic, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe were arrested in Abuja, Nigeria on January 5 during a meeting.
Since the arrest of these leaders, no one has been able to see them.
Communication minister had announced that they have been transferred to Cameroonian authorities and are doing well in a security prison in Yaounde. He promised that they will be tried according to the law and their rights will be fully respected.
However, apart from Minister Tchiroma’s declarations, no other confirmation of their presence in Yaounde has been registered as family members and lawyers have not had access to them as at now.
The arrest and subsequent transfer of the Ambazonia leaders resulted in further escalation of violence in the North West and South West regions characterized by attacks on military posts and reprisal killings by separatist fighters and the military

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