Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso has commended “the professionalism, courage and commitment showcased by legal officers, judicial staff and penitentiary administration staff in the North West, South West and Far North Courts of Appeal” in dealing with Anglophone and Boko Haram crisis respectively.
He praised them at the Annual Meeting of Heads of Courts of Appeal and Regional Delegates of Penitentiary Administration that took place last December 21 and 22, 2017 at the Ministry of Justice in Yaoundé.

Speaking during the occasion, the Minister of State regretted and vehemently condemned what he described as unjustified violence that led to the burning of some buildings housing the judiciary and penitentiary services together with office equipment, files and even personal properties.
Minister of State Laurent Esso stressed that this lack of discernment is a serious violation of the independence of the judiciary which in any case remains the last refuge for all those who rightly or wrongly consider themselves as victims of the vicissitudes of history.
He explained that the themes “Functioning of Courts in a context marked by threats on security and social peace,” “Functioning of prisons in a context marked by threats on security and social peace,” and “Role of the Judiciary in the electoral process” are intended to keep the judiciary regularly abreast of the context in which in total independence, the judicial and legal officers are called upon to rule, make decisions which necessarily have an implication on the functioning of the penitentiary administration.
Apart from revealing the existence of threats on security and social peace that could hamper the smooth functioning of judicial and penitentiary administration services, the presentations also highlighted the necessity to increase resources put at their disposal in order to enable them face various challenges in a more efficient way.
The presentation on « the Role of the Judiciary in the Electoral Process » was intended to equip judicial officials with tools in preparation of various elections and referenda, provided for by substantive laws of Cameroon, as well as the validity of voting operations and sincerity of election results ahead of 2018 multiple elections in Cameroon.
He concluded the meeting by reassuring participants of the readiness of the President of the Republic and Chairman of the Higher Judicial Council, Paul Biya to increase work resources, depending on available means, in a bid to ensure the permanent efficiency of public services of justice and penitentiary administration.