By Moma Sandrine
Following the ongoing lock down in the North West and South West Regions of the country, inhabitants of these towns have been obliged to stay indoors fearing the unknown.
In some parts of the NW region, staying at home within these days seems more dreadful. In Bali, many people have fled their houses for the bushes as a result of constant clashes by separatist fighters and the military that have left everywhere in chaos. These clashes in most cases have resulted to the burning of houses and looting of property.
Within the week, at least 20 houses were set ablaze in different quarters in Bali. Inhabitants told this reporter that some of the houses were razed down by people dressed in military uniforms. “I peeped from a distance; they parked their truck, broke open the house. After taking some items, they set the house on fire. I could only notice they wore military attires”. An onlooker narrated.
In Wosing quarter, Bali, not only houses were razed down but provision stores too. Our source told us that, items from these stores were looted before the stores were set on fire. In another area, The SUN gathered that the military attacked a house and made away with gas bottles, money and other valuables. “Our house was attacked; they took all our gas bottles. They even turned off the gas plate and disconnected our gas bottle while we had a pot on the fire. Our phones and other valuables were taken. It was really terrifying”.

In another quarter in Bali, Nahka, residuals were told to leave their houses and run for their lives. This pushed many of them to seek refuge in nearby bushes. “We were told not to sleep in our houses. I left alongside my children for the bush leaving behind my bedridden father. The thought of leaving my father all alone pushed me to head back home not minding the consequences. As we got home, shootings aggravated but we only had to count on God for safety” a residual of the area said.
In Boh-Etoma, another quarter in Bali, several houses were equally reduced to ashes by unidentified gunmen. Residuals of the quarter were driven to a state of panic and confusion causing some of them to flee the area for safer heavens. “The situation is terrible. We are suffering. We don’t know what the days ahead will look like. We need intervention” a residual hinted.
As the lockdown continues in the North West Region, people have continued to beg for its discontinuance. This as a majority of them could not stock their houses with foodstuffs due to insufficient finances. The lock down has also been a major hindrance for people to access health facilities thus resulting to health complications in some cases and in others death.