Limbe Paramount Chief installs notables, committee chairpersons


The Paramount Chief of Limbe HM John Elufa Manga Williams recently installed notables and committee chairpersons of the Royal Chiefdom of Limbe.

The solemn installation ceremony took place at his palace at Mbonjo Limbe III Subdivision in the presence of the First Assistant DO for Limbe and First Assistant DO Limbe III Subdivision and chiefs of the three Subdivisions.

During the installation ritual, Chief Samuel Epupa Ekum prayed to God to empower the newly installed into their new office and to give them knowledge and wisdom.

In his intervention, the Paramount Chief of Limbe, HM John Elufa Manga Williams said the Royal Chiefdom of Limbe is structured in such a way as to ensure maximum collaboration and role distinction. He added that it is tailored towards the achievement of positive results in the goals and objectives of this chiefdom.

According to the structure, the Paramount Chief is at the helm, then the traditional council which comprises the executive, wise men and notables. There is equally Senior Notables who are ex officio members of the council and play a vital role in forming and guiding the policies of the Chiefdom as well as serve as lobbyists.

Cross section of dignitaries and newly installed notables and committee chairpersons

“We also have the various committees and chairpersons with the rank of notables who handle specific responsibilities as per their appellations. Finally at the base, we have the quarters which are run by the quarter heads and their councils and also broken down into smaller units known as blocs.” HM John Elufa said.

He urged them to be steadfast and available, Limbe needs you. Our children need you now to ensure that their future is guaranteed in a hostile environment. We need to occupy our space.

HM John Elufa charged them to the committee heads to incorporate people into your various committees who are proactive and can produce results. “No room for sentiments and friendship. We are bigger than that.” He added.

“I want to say a big thank you to the administrative and municipal authorities, the traditional rulers of this municipality who have continuously given me their support, the Senior Notables already installed, not leaving out the particular Quarter Heads who caught my vision and are working real hard in their quarters.” HM John Elufa said.

On his part, the First Assistant Divisional Officer for Limbe I Mbi Edwin urged the installed notables and committee chairpersons to handle their various task well so as to make Limbe smile again. He equally told them to work in synergy and collaborate with each other to enable the Paramount Chief of Limbe realise his goal and vision of making Limbe smile again.

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