Man buried alive for killing brother-in-law

The population of Ntong village in Nwa subdivision of the Donga Mantung division, North West region have resorted to jungle justice by burying one Febsah  Ivo alive recently for allegedly killing his brother-in-law.
According to sources in Nwa, Febsah Ivo, 27 late August, killed his brother-in-law, Abasi Humlock.
Abasi humlock 37 had reportedly benefited from a njangi scheme worth FCFA 200,000 that fateful August Sunday and went out with his friends to share a drink in the market of Ntong. While coming back home, he was ruthlessly murdered by his brother in law, Ivo.
Ivo tied the corpse in a bag and pulled it to a toilet to bury when he was seen  by a woman who questioned him on the stuff he was carrying in the night in that manner.
Ivo told her it was a Mbororo man he had killed and was going to bury in the toilet. He also tried to bribe the woman with FCFA 10,000 but she refused.
The story broke out after the wife of the said Abasi waited in vain for the return of her husband .She alerted the neighbors and while searching for the husband,  The search party was informed of the incident involving Ivo.
When the search party arrived at the scene of the incident, they discovered that the corpse Ivo had described as a ‘Mbororo’ man was none other than his in-law. The angry mob decided to administer mob justice by burying Ivo alive.
The matter was reported to the DO of Nwa who sent security forces to the area and while there, they did not find anybody who carried out the act but learned that before Ivo was buried alive, some unnamed traditionalists recorded his statement admitting that he was responsible for Abassi’s death.

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