The Minister of Territorial Administration, MINAT, Paul Atanga Nji has given motorbike riders in Meme Division a three months grace period to identify and register themselves through their various Sub-Divisional unions in order to guarantee a safe working environment.
Minister Atanga Nji told motorbike riders on Tuesday March 27 at the Kumba City Council during his august visit to the city.
According to the MINAT Boss, his visit to Kumba is in relation to report he got form Southwest Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilia informing him of the identification measures bikers have put in place in Meme in order to preserve the peace in the division.
Given the fact that not all bike riders are criminals and over 20,000 riders depend on this sector to feed their families, the minister said he had to heed to their cry.

He noted that MINAT decided to suspend the activities of motorbikes in the Northwest and Southwest Regions because the sector has been infiltrated by criminal who are responsible for attacks on the military and other civilians.
‘I came to appreciate the measures taken by motorbike riders in Meme to identify themselves through badges and yellow jackets. Since they have decided that they are going to report all those perpetrating these acts to the forces of law and order as well as suspected cases, I have come to sign that partnership with them’, the minister stated.
‘We are partners as from today and we will work together’, he told riders.
Minister Atanga Nji noted that the example of the riders is worth emulating. He called on other sectors to copy the example and equally organize themselves.
He told bike riders to feel free to visit him whenever they are in Yaoundé.
‘Even those who happened to come to Yaoundé and you think of seeing the Minister, come and I will receive you’.
Minister’s FCFA 300,000 gift sets confusion among riders
The sum of FCFA 300,000 was given to bike riders of Kumba I, II, III, Konye, Mbonge and Ekondo Titi for entertainment at the end of the meeting. The amount that was later shared.
Given the number of riders per each Sub-Division and the influx of bikers in the Kumba metropolis from neighbouring villages the money later brought a lot of confusion since it was not enough to satisfy all the members.
It should be noted that the Minister equally gave riders the gift of 25 jackets and helmets, five for each Sub-Divisions as a complete dress code for riders.
Bike riders’ ‘President’ accuses D.O, Mayor
As soon as the Minister made his way out of the Kumba City Council hall, the venue of the meeting, it is reported that the DO and the Mayor, Blessed Ekole Epimba and George Musima Lobe respectively cornered and seized the money from the representative of the President of the Motorbike Riders Union in Konye Sub-Division.
The representative of the President of the motorbike riders’ union in Konye Sub-Division, Atem Asaah only cried foul when other bike riders approached him at the end of the meeting for their own share of the Minister’s largess.
Asaah only escaped the riot of the riders after he explained that he is not in possession of the money anymore.
Asaah had earlier in the hall said he was sent to represent the President the riders’ union in Konye even though the riders who stood behind him wore jackets which read Kumba City Council.
He noted that he was once a bike rider in Konye but he is now doing business along the same stretch of road.
All attempt to get to the DO and Mayor proved futile though close aides to the DO disclosed that the guy is an imposter.
He noted that the DO is planning to convene a meeting with the riders in Konye where in the money will be disbursed.
MC Atanga Nji
The visit of the Minister of Territorial Administration to Kumba on Tuesday March 27 was a one man show.
The Minister did not give room for anybody to be the Master of Ceremony or usher him into the venue.
He had a straight agenda and was the only person who could give people the opportunity to speak.
The meeting was void of the usual protocol and the singing of the National Anthem that usually characterized official meetings.
Abandoned Speeches
Presidents of the various rider’s union were stranded with their already typed speeches for the ceremony since they had no opportunity to do so.
They were spotted agitating for the Minister to give them the opportunity to present their addresses.
Even the Government Delegate to the Kumba City Council was unable to present a welcome address to the Minister.
The riders were however asked to address their worries through their DOs for onward transmission to the Minister.
At the close of the event, the Government Delegate to the Kumba City Council, Victor Ngoh Nkele promised to donate an additional 100 jackets to the riders.
He was followed by the Mayors of Meme Division who equally promised 50 free jackets each provided the riders provide all necessary identification documents.