The Peter Mafany Musonge led Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism has already begun work. Members met for their very first time last April 28, 2017 at the Yaoundé Mont Febe Hotel to make acquaintance with each other and lay the foundation stone of their commission. The closed door session chaired by the President of the Commission, Peter Mafany Musonge was also attended by its appointed Secretary General, Chi Cornelius Asafor who will be installed next May 26, 2017.

Talking to the press at the end of the session, Peter Mafany Musonge disclosed that “we wanted to know ourselves a little better because we met for the first time yesterday when we were installed and then decided to see how to prepare our plan of action and to define the ingredients which will enter into that plan of action.”
Reiterating that their commission has no time to waste, he announced that before the installation of their SG, they will meet for the second time on May 25, 2017.
However, news that filtered from the closed door maiden meeting revealed that the commission has expressed the wish to act as mediators in the ongoing Anglophone crisis. This position was corroborated by one of the members, Prof. Samuel Efua Mbo-zo, Dean at the University of Douala, during a panel debate on a local TV station.
Prof. Samuel Efua said in their informal meeting after their installation, the committee members were unanimous that the priority at hand is to resolve the Anglophone crisis. He said they took advantage of an article creating the commission which gives them the powers to engage in mediation. He said the asked their chairman (Peter Mafany Musonge) to urgently address their wish to the president of the republic to enable them act as mediators between those that the people will designate as leaders and the government.
George Ngwane, another member of the commission also hinted during a program on the state television, CRTV that, personally his greatest wish is for all the detained Anglophone leaders to be released.
With all the known Anglophone leaders either in prison or at large, the commission already has a difficult task ahead of them should their wish to become mediators be granted by the Head of State.
The installation
Presiding at the official installation ceremony of members of the Bilingualism and Multiculturalism Commission last April 27, 2017 at the Yaoundé Conference Centre, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang while acknowledging the quality of men and women appointed by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya into this commission, reminded that they have three core values to obey in the discharge of their new duties: bilingualism, multiculturalism and living together.
PM Yang further stated that “while we still need to improve our bilingualism which makes many countries envy us, it should be acknowledged that the diversity of culture in Cameroon is real.”
He equally stressed that “living together is not a definite achievement as it must be constructed and consolidated on daily basis.”
Expressing optimism that the Musonge led 15-man team will accomplish its mission with success, the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Philemon Yang who was flanked at the occasion by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali, Minister of State for Justice, Laurent Esso and Minister of State for Tourism and Leisure, Bello Bouba Maigari tasked that “the commission must listen to our society and treat all issues related to bilingualism and multiculturalism presented by the people who are victims.”
The installation ceremony of these pioneer members of the commission was pregnant with meaning and symbolism as the agenda of the day was carefully planned and the various speakers switched from English to French and vice versa at the occasion.
Even the cultural display at the occasion showcasing dance and rhythms from the four cultural spheres of the country equally had a message to pass across to the keen crowd as at the end of their display, they unfolded a banner on which was boldly written in French and English; “Cameroon: One and Indivisible in its cultural diversity.”
The ceremony pulled almost the entire government bench to the Yaoundé Conference Centre as it was placed directly under the distinguished patronage of the President of the Republic, Paul Biya. Some diplomatic heads present in the country were also part of the historic event.
In a working session with the press on the eve of the installation ceremony, Government Spokesman, Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary of Communication disclosed that the President of the Republic, Paul Biya holds this commission dearly at heart and is bent at seeing that it delivers.