A new Judicial Year for 2018 has opened up in Cameroon with focus on the role of pardon in the judicial system.
Chairing the solemn session to mark the start of the new judicial year in the country last February 22, 2018 at the Supreme Court in Yaounde, Chief Justice Daniel Mekobe Sone discussed on the role of pardon in a judicial system and indicated that “pardon in the justice system rests on the law, the judge and the victim.”
The Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, Daniel Mekobe Sone enabled the audience to learn much on the importance of pardon and situations when the justice system gives precedence to pardon.
In recent time, the Chief Justice explained, the notion of pardon has been exercised by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya when he ordered the halt of judicial proceedings of some accused tried in the military court in Yaounde in relation to the socio-political crisis in the North West and South West Regions.

He equally unwrapped that the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso has, in recent years, also requested the halt in the trial of a total of 61 persons tried in the Special Criminal Court after the amount accused of, was refunded.
In respect of its tradition, the session began with a submission from the Procureur General of the Supreme Court, Luc Ndjodo on the theme “Social Defence in situation of Terrorism”.
While stating that the 11th September terrorist attacks in the United States of America changed the world’s perception of terrorism and the justice system, he explained that through international cooperation, countries have been working together and at national level, governments have adapted the justice system to deal with situations of terrorism.
The Procureur General rejoiced that public opinion is more and more in support of special measures put in place to fight terrorism and ended his submission with the place of the court of law and role of the judge in situations of terrorism.
In a chat with reporters, the President of the General Assembly of the Cameroon Bar Council, Barrister Ntumfor Nico Halle said the choice of the theme on pardon by the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, Mekobe Daniel is very timely because “pardon opens doors for peace and stability. We really need this in Cameroon today so that things can return to normal in the North West and South West regions of the country.”