Separatists threaten lawyers ahead of Bar elective assembly

-Barrister Tchakounte Patie Charles poised to unseat Ngnie Kamnga


About 3,000 lawyers of the Cameroon Bar Association shall be converging at the Castel Hall in Douala, chief town of the Littoral Region on Saturday November 24, 2018 in an Elective General Assembly. Even as the preparations heat up, separatists have warned Common Law Lawyers to steer clear of the event. It is unclear what could befall those who will defy the threats.
During the assembly members of the noble profession will be electing the President of the General Assembly of the Cameroon Bar Association and the President of the Cameroon Bar Council including 15 members of the Council.
It should be recalled that the last Elective General Assembly of the Cameroon Bar Association took place in January 31, 2015 and saw the election of Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, the International Legal mind and Peace Crusader as President of the General Assembly of the Cameroon Bar and Barrister Ngnie Kamga Jackson as President of the Cameroon Bar Council.
Barely three weeks to the elective rendezvous in Douala, which many Lawyers have concluded will mark a turning point in life of the Cameroon Bar, prospective candidates to the various posts have been criss-crossing the various regions and using social media to canvass for votes.
45 lawyers submit candidacy papers
According to a communiqué endorsed by the Secretary General of the Cameroon Bar Council, Bar Philippe Memong on October 22, 2018, a copy The SUN procured, indicates that the under mentioned members of the Bar according to section 47(3) of the Law No: 90/059 of 19 December 1990 organising practice at the Bar read alongside sections 9 and 4 of the Internal Rules of the Bar have already deposited their files to vie for the 15 places at the Bar Council.
1- Achu Julius
2- Akum Michael Nche
3- Atangana Bikouna Claire
4- Bateky Suzanne Evelyne
5- Bihegue Sarah
6- Deugoue Raphaël
7- Ebah Ntoko Justice
8- Enow Agbor Benjamin
9- Eteme Tsala François
10- Fojou Pierre Robert
11- Fouegoum Yonta Douanla Adeline
12- Fousse Dominique Nicole
13- Gouabe Felix
14- Joseph Claude Billigha
15- Kontchou Gabriel
16- Mbah Eric Mbah
17- Mbuya Fri Epse Luku Gladys
18- Memong Philippe Olivier
19- Minou Njagang Sterling
20- Mohamadou Souleymanou
21- Moussio Suzanne
22- N’gann Superman
23- Nah Nah Sylvestre
24- Nana Robert
25- Nana Wilson Suh
26- Ngnie Kamga Jackson
27- Ngos Daniel Blaise
28- Ngoulla Fotso Arlette
29- Nkenko Yameni Michel
30- Nyoma Elouga Vincent De Paul
31- Nzoh Divine Mbokeh
32- Sende Emmanuel Yves
33- Souop Sylvain
34- Suh Fuh Benjamin
35- Tamo David
36- Tankeu Jean
37- Tanyi Thompson Ashu
38- Tassa André Marie
39- Tchagyou Paho Antony
40- Tchakoute Patie Charles
41- Tchatchoua Gustave
42- Tetang Michel
43- Titanji Duga Ernest
44- Tsoungui Marcellin Georges
45- Um Gwem Patrice
Why Incumbent Bar President wants to be re-elected
The incumbent President of the Bar Council Barrister Ngnie Kamga Jackson Francis has in a correspondence addressed to colleagues expressed his wish to be re- elected to continue to pilot the affairs of the Cameroon Bar. Below is an excerpt:-
“After putting my humble self at the helm (President) of our cherished Cameroon Bar Association one of my very first decisions was to make The Cameroon Advocates Forum the official communication tool of our Bar
The more reason we are availing ourselves of this medium.
We are at the end of our mandate which we all know was unusually long and impeded with contingencies, most especially as we inherited virtually empty coffers.
It is common knowledge that we were almost on the brink of the disintegration of our Bar but thanks to your lucidity, foresight and maturity coupled with the solidarity of the Bar Council, the cohesion of the Bar was upheld.
In spite of these difficulties we nevertheless made progress in the restoration of our values, tradition and tenets in honour of our Bar.
Many of our learned colleagues have been questioning our inadequate communication. However whilst taking the hint, we privileged and/or opted for concrete action rather than making communication our priority.
With regards to the achievements of the Cameroon Bar Council, I shall have the privilege to update you during the elections campaigns as well as in my keynote address at the forthcoming Elective General Assembly.
In order to consolidate the strides already made whilst preparing the next generation for the task ahead, it’s with Profound Humility That I Announce My Candidacy for Re-Election.
I heretofore solicit your votes and equally urge you to support candidates who share our vision and mission of a strong and unified BAR in our bi-jural diversity made up of competent and distinguished gentlemen of value and respect”.
Barrister Tchakounte to unseat incumbent Bartonier
However the struggle to be re-elected as the President of the Cameroon Bar Council which is the decision making organ of the Association won’t be a bed of roses. Incumbent Barrister Ngnie Kamga, reports hold, will have a good run for his money, for he is expected to face Barrister Tchakounte Patie Charles who narrowly lost the last elections in 2015 against Ngnie Kamga.
Eligible voters in this year’s elections are of the opinion that incumbent Barrister Ngnie Kamga has already spent four years at the helm of the Bar and his time is over, thus another person should mount the rostrum. To the lawyers who spoke to The SUN in anonymity for fear of victimization from other candidates disclosed that their Candidate for Batonnier is Barrister Tchakounte Patie Charles.
“This is his time,” they said. Many hold that Barrister Tchakounte should be voted as Batonnier because he is level headed and understands the stakes of the profession taking into consideration that he is a blend of both the Common Law and the Civil Law. Little wonder, they conclude, he was trained by a Common Law Lawyer Senator Barrister Chief Nfor Tabentando.

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