By Norbert Wasso Binde and Atia Tilarious
Despite the administration and judiciary being dragged into what is now a crisis situation within the Sasse Old Boys association, SOBA, last Saturday, March 10 saw the national executive being renewed at the Bishop’s Rogan College, in Small Soppo Buea with Professor Ephraim Ngwafor re-elected national president.

SOBA president general
Earlier in the week, one of the pioneer chapters, SOBA Victoria also elected Dr. Mokube Ahmadou John (Class of 1964) to head the chapter for the next three years. He takes over from Mr. Duala Njie who has assiduously served SOBA Victoria for over 10 years.

The Victoria chapter elections held during the regular monthly meeting at Senior SOBAN Solomon Baiyee’s residence at Animal Farms. Others elected are Takor Takor, vice president, Akwete Nyajoro and Niba Isamo as secretary and vice, Kebbi Athanasius treasurer, Dr. Eyabi George financial secretary and Otto Yonka as social secretary. The very open elections were held under the auspices of SOBAN Baiyee with Dr. Ikundi Fritz as returning officer.
In his acceptance speech, Dr. Mokube promised to serve SOBA Victoria diligently so that it can grow from strength. Of late the chapter has registered a surge in registration and participation with a thriving “njangi and solidarity schemes”.
SOBA National in crisis
The serenity at the chapter levels especially as typified in the Victoria Chapter contrasts with the on-going imbroglio that is dragging the reputable association of ex-students of St. Joseph’s College Sasse into the public garbage place.
Since the bursting into scene of a group calling itself the “Revival group” spearheaded by some SOBANS in Buea notably Barrister John Kameni and Dr. Molua Ernest, a wind of crisis has blown through SOBA opening its dirty linens to the public. The group’s grouse against the executive led by Professor Ngwafor includes, amongst others, that the Ngwafor-led exco had overran its mandate and had not called for elections, it also wants the financial accounts of the association especially the 75th anniversary celebrations audited. It faults the sitting exco for going ahead with the SOBA Credit Union project without tacit approval of a duly constituted general assembly approval.
The March 4 revival GA
The venue was the St, Anthony of Padua Hall Buea Town and the event was the Revival General Assembly of SOBA. 73 duly registered members are said to have attended the March 4, 2018 meeting. They came from Buea, Victoria, Muyuka, Tiko, and Bangem chapters. It was chaired by the eldest member, Apppolinaire Nvenge of the 1947 class with Yana Zumafor of the 1952 class as co-chair. Kebei Eugene Kai of the 1982 moderated the proceedings while Walter Wilson Nana of the 1986 class served as rapporteur.
The members at this revival assembly observed that their meeting came on the heels of the failure of the National Executive to call for a statutory general assembly within three years.
Convened by at least three chapter presidents, Kumfor Barrister John Kameni told The SUN that the revival assembly was in line with Article 23(2) of the SOBA constitution.
The revivalists say they want the Prof. Ngwafor led National Executive to present a financial and administrative report of their four-year leadership and a report of the 75th anniversary of Sasse College.
After observing the failures of the National Executive Committee, the revivalists resolved that a Caretaker Committee be put in place to replace the Prof. Ngwafor-led National Executive.
Dr. Amos Namanga Ngongi of the 1959 class was chosen to chair the Caretaker Committee that has a one-year mandate with a mission to organise a SOBA reunion and organise elections into the executive committee of the association.
Dr. Ewang Anselm Akume will serve the Caretaker Committee as Secretary General, while Fidelis Ntangsi and Epoh Ebenezer are treasurer and financial secretary respectively. Ndobe Joseph was acclaimed as adviser and ‘Kumfor’ Barrister John Kameni as Public Relations Officer.
Bishop’s position
Both sides in the conflict initially looked up to the Bishop of Buea, Immanual Bushu,bona-fide proprietor of Sasse College and the main moral authority over SOBA, to wade into the crisis. After a period of reflection, the Bishop though acknowledging the concerns of the “Revival” group, pulled the carpet under their feet, by opposing the convening of the Buea meeting especially as the Ngwafor-led exco had played a fast one by convening a general assembly meeting in Douala last Saturday, March 10. From all intents and purposes, the proprietor was on the side of the incumbents.
Miffed, the Buea group did not take it lying low as they went to court in Buea an obtained an injunction order which they served on the Divisional Officer for Wouri V who banned the Doula meeting that was to hold at the Catholic Mission, Bonamoussadi.
Undaunted, the Ngwafor group and their supporters rallied and sneaked to Buea at Birocol under the noses of the “Revival” faction and before news leaked, they had adopted a new draft constitution and renewed the executive bureau. By the time the Divisional Officer for Buea arrived Birocol with security elements, the main points on the agenda had been done and dusted.
John Kameni in describing the events of March 10 said: “In a very shameless manner, they ran to Bishop Rogan College. In the heart of the college, they sat, pretended to deliberate and unfortunately for them again, the law chased them out of Bishop Rogan; the Divisional Officer for Buea who did not grant them any authorisation intervened and sent them running. They were sent out of Bishop Rogan in shame, ridicule and public disgrace. To our greatest surprise, as they usually behave, they came out that there was a general assembly in Bishop Rogan and that they re-elected or put in place an executive.”
New exco
According to a list sent to our news room the new exco comprises Prof. Ephraim Ngwafor president general. There are four vice president generals Prof. George Elambo Nkeng, Ayuk Iyok, Ndofor Joseph, Akoachere Ayuk. There are also four vice presidents for the Diaspora – Mafanyi Itoe USA, Joki Manga UK and Ireland, Ekabe Teddy Germany and Europe and Prof. Esimone Charles for Nigeria. Ebot Mfoataw was elected sec. general while Kebbei Eugene is assistant. Takor Takor is financial sec, while the treasurer is Gana Joseph. Eselem Edwin and Elame Raymond were elected 1st and 2nd publicity secretaries.