SOSUCAM envisages 2018/2019 production to hit 130.000 tons

By Ndumbe Bell Gaston In Douala
The agro-industrial giant for the production of packaged cubes of sugar and other derivatives has estimated that based on present statistics, they are likely to realize the production of 130.000 tons or more of the commodity in the 2018 and 2019 production year.
The company which was almost made obsolete by competition if not for the timely intervention of the Head of State who banned importation of sugar and control of contrabands, released this message through their General Manager Louis Yinda.
The company that operates in two townships of the centre region has raised further hopes in their communities and the nation after having dropped to base production levels of just 16.000 tons in the past years.

The above prediction is reported to have been estimated from 30.000 tons stocks that started rolling out just in October 2018. It is believed that 100.000 tons will be added some time in 2019.
The Cameroonian subsidiary from the French group Somdiaa, is ambitions saying they are looking at satisfying the demand of the nation that stands at 150.000 tons. To do so, they need to harvest sugar cane from a 22.000 hectare area that produces roughly 1.4 million tons of sugar cane . Yinda, the General Manager is quoted to have said that their new brand will be called “Princess Tatie”.
It is going to engage 7000 workers in direct employment and subcontract to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Sosucam, where the French hold 74% shares and 26% only for Cameroon are boasting that they can move from an annual 130.000 to 170.000 tons if the sugarcane is obtainable from an envisaged 25.000 hectares.

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