By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea
It was during the participatory consultation meeting as part of the planning work for the second phase of vision 2035 in Buea where the Minister delegate at the Ministry of Economy, planning and regional development(MINEPAT), Paul Tasong revealed THAT THE South west region produces 45% of Cameroon’s growth.
The Minister delegate exhorted all those involved to sit up and invest more in their region so as to enable the South west become at the top so far as Cameroon’s growth.
The overall objective of the meeting was to get participants’ understanding/ appreciation, concern for proposals on development actions undertaken by the state and its development partners with the view to better efficiency and effectiveness. The minister urged all present to be innovative and creative to secure a possible emergence by 2035.

The project/vision was divided into three phases; the 1st phase from 2010 to 2019 was aimed at modernizing the economy and accelerate economic growth, the 2nd phase to commence by 2020 to 2027 is aimed at increasing per capital income and move towards the status of upper million countries and the 3rd phase from 2028 to 2035 is to make Cameroon an industrialized and emerging country.
The minister explained that an emerging nation should focus on promoting economic growth, develop gross domestic product, and improve the volume turnover of Cameroon, ensure that employment/decent jobs are made available which are all prerequisites to economic growth. He added that 400 billion is spent each year to import rice to Cameroon whereas we could strategies and import our own rice at a cheaper price.
“We have to come to consult and we are leaving the participants in a participatory manner to say what they want the government to program for them as we continue the match towards Cameroon becoming an emerging nation. In as much as a lot has been done, the key performance indicators are lacking behind”. He added
The objective was to create wealth, create decent jobs, reduce poverty and reduce inequalities. So far we have some gaps when it comes to each of these indicators but that said planning is organizing dreaming. In the process of realizing your dreams, a couple of head wings may show up and render the path of your dream difficult to thread” The Minister Delegate explained in an interview granted him
The deadline for the implementation of the second phase of the vision is scheduled for January 1, 2020
“Since January 22 2019, the general allocation for decentralization has increased from 10 billion in 2018 to almost 50 billion in 2019. This work is of special importance as it will influence overall development options over a relatively long period of about 7-10 years.
To the Minister Delegate at MINEPAT, Paul Tasong, Cameroon’s ambition is to become an emerging country, democratic and united in its diversity by 2035. “This exercise which is being carried out in the 10 regions of the country, seeks to collect the suggestions of participants in view of improving policies implemented in the past nine years and to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth as well propel national and local development”.
The participatory meeting saw the presence of the S.D.O of Fako, Rep of the SW Governor, Mayor, Regional Delegate MINEPAT, Buinda Godlove and other officials.