UCCC/CBC spearhead international week of the deaf: Mayors get free ear screening, promised brighter days

By Ndefru Melanie in Bamenda

Some mayors of the UCCC- United Cities and Councils of Cameroon, Northwest region had their free ear screening as well as the checking of their vital signs to better enhance their general health in the course of the international week of the deaf.

Thanks to the MoU signed with one of its major partners the CBCHS- Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services, mayors of the UCCC were able to go through these health checks to help them carry out their tasks without challenges.

This was also meant to provide more cautious care for all persons living with disability in the region as well, for inclusive local development. Present was the Coordinator of SEED, LIFIDEP and other development partners to ensure that councils are providing what is needed in their communities to sustain the livelihoods of the local population.

Mayors of the UCCC in conclave at the NW Regional Assembly conference hall

The mayors went through a 2-day training to get required knowledge and sharpen their skills in different domains, aside MoUs signed with other partners. Mayor Dighaambong Anthony, the Mayor of Wum Council who also doubles as the national vice president for UCCC, brought forth the message of his hierarchy to mayors of the Northwest region.

He hinted that mayors will be convened to meet in Yaoundé and should come with required documents to sign necessary partnerships to help in local development, mentioning that there is need to have focal persons work in local councils in the Northwest region. He acknowledged that their environment is a little hostile than that of the Southwest, where some activities are already ongoing.

The UCCC’s national vice also mentioned that as part of the president’s message, the partnership with ENEO, CAMWATER will be necessary in order to stop the rampant suspension of council water system and electricity. Also dues to CNPS have been reduced to help councils be able to function without challenges.

It is also expected that in a maximum of 2 weeks a team of 15 mayors will be put in place to work on a document that they will be able to go out lobbying to powers that be, all of these geared towards local development.

The National Vice President UCCC having ear screening

A team is expected to receivethe first consignment of solar lampsin April to be distributed to councils following a signed convention – a free gift from a partnership. And again a national capacity building program whereby mayors are supposed to be trained is to hold soonest though there are setbacks that will be sorted.

The Regional Representative of MINDEVEL NW cautioned mayors about their presence in all sessions of the Regional Assembly. The councils and cities of Cameroon are areas of social integration and non-exclusion so as to promote human development, which guarantee the wellbeing and ensure the full participation of the people.

“Councils cannot effectively fulfill their missions of economic activities: social, health, educational, culture and sport without boosting inter-council solidarity counting on efficient partnership for human,material and intellectual resources”, MINDEVEL NW

The UCCC in the Northwest is expected to enhance the decentralization process in Cameroon in the Northwest region. The Regional Assembly President Prof Fru Angwafor says there is need for synergy.

“Your input as mayors to improve on local development and improving livelihoods in your municipalities should be priority. You defiled all odds to progress and improve living conditions of our people with outstanding projects and actions. With such selfless commitments we are certain in the Northwest that things will move in the right direction”.

“Practical approach proposed to attain our collective missions and objectives as local authorities will entail every partnership to strengthen collective actions and improve performance, governance. We must therefore ensure programming, budgeting, execution and evaluation of projects”.

“Our collaboration will constitute the best form to decide and follow up prospective actions and activities for the common good of our population. The statutory meetings is one way to do this, to have partnerships”, Professor Fru Angwafor NW President Regional Assembly.

Regional tender documents include mayors as important actors in social control of all projects awarded by the Northwest Regional Assembly. It is therefore imperative for the councils and regional assembly to leverage on full resources for the execution of impactful projects in the communities for the good of the population.

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